[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

The goal of maintaining socially integrated spaces is a noble one, and something most people want. The logic to remove dungeon finder for this purpose is a disjointed one. Dungeon finder in its original form removed one of the more annoying aspects of the social engagement in WoW without depleting the overall social nature of the game. In its original form, you were constantly finding yourself in groups with the same people - sometimes good, sometimes bad - but that was the nature of using the tool.

Without group finder, finding groups for less common dungeons will continue to be a labor-intensive process, the badging out of alts will become much more time-intensive and less likely to be pursued, and simple speed of daily tasks will be stretched out. None of this has the desired effect suggested in the original announcement. Never bring back realms, never allow grouping across servers, and you will maintain the ‘social environment’. Do not remove group finder.

While I did enjoy RDF quite a bit, it will be nice to exclude any players who are not meta. Fast clear times = more badges, sorry.

Its how i got into my 1st guild in classic.

Its how i have made connections to over a dozen other guilds (half of which died or merged with other guilds from classic to now or are now on a different server).

Dungeon groups is one of the best places to make lasting social connections.

And there’s nothing about LFD stopping you from continuing to chat pug and make those connections.

In fact LFD would greatly improve your results when doing so as you would only be getting people are mutually interested in the same thing. Win win for everyone right?


Other than the cross realm making them pointless.

Other than the fact most people will use the most efficent, convenient, and path of least resistance way of grouping, which would be rdf, especiwlly after you factor in the bonus rewards it gives.

Couldn’t you just share battletags, keep in touch, and possibly create characters together on a mutual server down the line?


So start over and abandon all social connections i currently have on my current realm… ya no, it doesnt work that way.

Whatever LF-X system you wanna call it:

NO to any system that automatically put you in a group with random ppl and teleport you in n out of a dungeon.

YES to a system that helps ppl interact better with each other and make a group for an instance. You still need to make the effort to socialize and talk to other people and getting your buttom in n out manually.

“LFM for Ramps”
“Can I get a summon?”
“Good run”

Riveting socialization.


No, they don’t. They can unsub, as I did, and come back when, if ever, Blizzard learns from their mistake.

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People who want to group up the Classic way for dungeons still can. People who can’t find groups or are pressed for time can’t always and are punished for not time sinking.

If it was mandatory to cross-realm fill your group, I would be against it. But it is an option and you can completely ignore it.

It is also showing on the forums that trolls and slurs and crappy people are leaning into no-RDF while people who just want the option and are trying to have a discussion about it are typically pro RDF. So the community clowns kinda out themselves on this.

I think it’s coming in the third patch and I think they aren’t including it because they don’t have the time or resources to do it and will just enable it in the third patch (because at that point NOT having it takes MORE WORK because it’s part of patch 3’s codebase.)

The people against it aren’t social to begin with- they have their groups. So their opinions on OTHERS experiences- with whom they aren’t interested in playing with- come across completely moot, because, well, they’re not gonna play with me anyway, right? You only play with your guild and you wanna talk about ‘social’? That makes no sense. At all. You’re screaming interaction and you’ve never interacted with me and won’t. It’s a logical fallacy.

Personally? Doesn’t matter. I PvP way, way more than I PVE, and I’m not afraid to snake my way into groups and punch up. But I think the option needs to be there for people who just want to get a daily done without spamming /4.

Simply put? There isn’t a good reason against it, it’s anecdotal “the community!” There is NO technical argument to it’s implementation, as it’s opt-in.

They’re dumb for not including it and making us argue over it.

I don’t need it at all, and I still think they should put it in for those that can use it, because it doesn’t bother me how other people play, unlike half the playerbase that has insane anxiety about what strangers do with their paid time.

So yeah- I’m a non-RDF user who supports RDF.


This is a VERY easily fixed issue. Add dungeon finder and those that don’t like dungeon finder DON’T HAVE TO USE IT!!! There is nothing negative about dungeon finder. It is an easy fix when no one else in the guild is on and/or doesn’t want to do dungeons and/or no one is responding to pug messages. I don’t get why people who don’t like dungeon finder HAVE TO RUIN IT for those that find it convenient when other options aren’t available or working. Dungeon finder is great for the never ending quests that involve dungeons. Dungeon finder DID NOT do to WoW what raid finder did! Dungeon finder only put the group together. It didn’t water down the fights like raid finder…it is the same fights in dungeons and the same rewards. I see the benefit of community to put a raid together and the comradery that comes with that. We are talking about dungeons here not raiding. Put dungeon finder in please!


I think you take away the LFD que rewards and after the initial wave of leveling happens introduce LFD in p2 would be a good idea. At the end of the day after the first initial wave of leveling most people will sit in the city after they are geared so LFD should have less of an impact of an “empty world” feeling. Some would debating being able to que and go farm of quested while que’d would actually help get people out in the zones.

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So…I just logged off because I got bored watching the LFG Channel; seeing: looking for GDKPs, Normals that would give me no reward (Exalted and have better gear already), the occasional Heroic that didn’t need DPS…

Yep. Super amazing social interaction I had. So much fun, I had to chill out because of all the fun.

…think I’ll just go to bed early and try again tomorrow.

Ya know, after I’ve recovered from the heart pounding, gut-wrenching, palms are sweety; knees are weak experience of seeing a dungeon request! Clicking the ‘whisper’ button…“I’ll DPS”…“full”…“np”…omg so close. Oh man, my fitness tracker recorded a 2 bpm increase! SUCH EXCITEMENT!!!

I love not having an easy way to get a group. It truly does add to my experience and creates an immersive and exciting, not to mention challenging, gameplay. Of which, I would have never been able to get if I had been able to just click a button and spend the next few hours running dungeons with random other players.

10/10 gaming experience; can’t wait to experience it for another two years. :+1:


My only issue with Dungeon Finder was when it began to be cross-server. If Blizzard makes it so it only matches you with other people from your server, then I think it’d become a great way to meet people.

Most people would be fine with it trying to prioritize same realm first.

How do you feel about Dungeon Finder not being added to WotLK Classic?

 sincerely disappointed that it wont be in the game, will still at least give the fresh servers a shot but my sub runs out in oct and if theres no incoming rdf it will probably be the end for me.

What do you think are the positives of having Dungeon Finder?

it allows ALOT of players who are more casual with families and jobs to be able to experience content they normally wouldnt and keep a decent level of progression going forward, it also assists in attaining at least one achievement by allowing teleportation to rfc/stockades without havng to die a dozen times to run the dungeon for the achievement.

What do you think are the negatives of having Dungeon Finder?

Having played when dungeon finder was released back in original wrath, RDF did not negatively affect my gameplay in any way. it only had a positive affect for me as i used it to build a 300 member guild that still exists in modern wow today.

Do you think an hybrid solution could be implemented, whether it be a partial Dungeon Finder or a different solution altogether, and what could that solution be, if you can think of any?

its simple… community seems split 50/50… so give the pvpers what they want and make the pvp server RDF free. Give the Normal fresh start server RDF as a tool they can choose to or not to use.


at least someones finally honest about why they dont want RDF. all these others are just flinging smoke. ty for your honesty and i respect your position though i disagree with it

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It’s a bad reason because if you are trying to min max badges/hour you still preform your group regardless of RDF.


this thread is a good example of why the community isnt socially interacting anymore and its not RDF that caused it. so much toxicity because of selfishness and twitch teaching a generation of gamers that its funny to be a troll. honor and honesty, and civil debate have gone on sabbatical. THATS what the devs should be realizing, except im not sure any of the dev team putting out wrath classic is the dev team that designed wrath, so they are from the same generation of toxic players.

and for those that claim the devs arent listening to the pvpers… remember… they announced ONLY a pvp fresh start server and then amended the post when the pve community reacted to it.