I’m okay with legendaries in pvp, if rogues of all classes could use a pair of legendary weapons in TBC pvp then I don’t see why warriors and paladins shouldn’t get a chance to use theirs in Wotlk.
Legendaries are legendary. That’s the whole point. People think random dungeon finder killed retail but I think the homogenization of gear and classes is what killed retail. MOP was an amazing expansion where every class had crazy and powerful abilities but was followed by WOD a terrible expansion that saw the pruning and homogenization of classes.
Then came templates in Legion and not only were classes now more similar but gear and character power levels were way more similar.
Retail classes are so alike now that top players can log into just about any class and play it really well. Each class has their damage button, their kick button, their cc button, their defensive button with few mechanics that are unique and require learning.
Items like glaives, skull of guldan, MQG, DFO, valanyr, shadowmourne are what make this game feel like an MMO. They require you to invest time into your character to make it stronger and also require a whole guild to have faith in your ability to play that character and that you will continue playing that character.
Glaives are strong and Shadowmourne will be too. But take a look at the 2v2 and 3v3 ladder for rogues right now and you’ll notice familiar names on the top of the leaderboard, the same names that were on there before glaives and that will be on there in Wrath too. There are plenty of rogues in R1 and Glad range without a glaive set.
Restricting the procs as OP suggested would honestly be a pretty decent idea for PvP balance. But again, you are going down the slippery slope of retail when you make a change like that and are taking away from the SOUL of an MMO.
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