Wotlk is boring

I played classic but the new zone with community carryover from classic was too much. Devs need a hardmode for actual gamers and/or casuals. too many players follow guides and use addons. TBC was DOA.

Wow is not the game to be playing if you want a ā€œhard gameā€ tbh


Well then you could always shop around for a harder game, killer.

If you have no challenges in life then you must REALLY be gunning for a hard game. Wow isnā€™t it.


Life should be hardest game I play. I just expect decency in a video game. I am so sorry this is hard for you to grasp

Key point: decency in a video game.

Ah do now we are changing the terms around.

Iā€™m not trying to argue in all honesty. Wow has always been extremely popular due to its accessibility. Very hard games donā€™t share the same trait.

Which version are you playing? Wrath or DF.


The hardest part of D&D is getting the people together.

The hardest part of classic raids are getting the people together.

The rest is just fantasy and fun not a see-how-fast-i-can-twitch competition, those games are called mobas

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