WotLK Hype?

The new blizzard gear store merch has a bunch of WotLK stuff under the WoW category.

Seems like a tease by blizzard.


Nothing new. We know that we’ll get WOTLK Classic at some point.

I don’t even know if an official announcement could give me a “hype” since it’s 100% going to happen.


WotLK will absolutely be released as the third and final “Classic”… There will be no CATA and there will be lots of hype to fully flesh it out…


Been hyped since classic vanilla was announced my guy


Don’t speak in absolutes, just makes you sound silly.


eh idk, I feel like people would play cata. Cata wasn’t bad per se, just a lot of changes from the old game. I think I would play it this time around. I think I would play through MoP and call it quits. I feel like MoP was peak wow in some aspects.

Definitely would love classic to go until Mists of Pandaria.

I would be content with MoP. There was so much to do, and the raids were awesome.

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If they go Classic past Wrath then it just adds to the dev teams memehood.

I really hope they don’t waste true Classic players’ time with that garbage. At the very least restart Classic at the same time they release Cata.


Sounds good to me, as I intend WotLK to be my forever home.

Sith speak in absolutes, and I play one in SWTOR.

They released a new wrath board game a while ago now, skipping right over crusade. But ya it’s a pretty safe bet they’ll do wrath. I doubt they’ll rehost cataclysm though. At that point you may as well play retail.

“WotLK will absolutely be released as the third and final “Classic”… There will be no CATA and there will be lots of hype to fully flesh it out…”

Yeah, Cata was the start of modern Retail. Plus, I doubt Blizz likes their old expansions being so popular compared to SL. CE, TBC, and WotLK servers will keep the hard core Classic players happy, and everyone else will go back to Retail or quit.

No hype, less populated than TBC and vanilla.

Cata wasn’t really part of the “Classic” era. It ended at Wrath.

If you really think they are just going to re-release ALL the Xpacs and somehow “tweak” them all, I don’t know what to tell you.

There is a 99.9999999999% probability they won’t do anything past Wrath. Honestly, I wouldn’t even say Wrath is 100% guaranteed, but it IS very likely.

Wrath? No it wasn’t. It was more populated than TBC. It capped out at 12 million(roughly). TBC was just over 10(roughly).

It didn’t grow population as fast as Vanilla or TBC, sure, but it WAS more populated, and for most of the xpac. It wasn’t until the end when people started asking for harder content (and they started adding it and changing some things) that people started to leave, because they could see how Cata was going to go based on those changes.

Cata was the downward slope, and it couldn’t keep people. Game has been on the decline most of the time since.

test post. Please don’t mind me.

Test post. Please ignore me. I’m sorry. I’m a huge boomer with this stuff.

Uh…very unlikely.

Classic was never about ‘recreating the old WoW’ it was about rehashing past expansions to keep MAUs up during content lulls of Retail.

We’ll be seeing Classic eras for Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, Shadowlands (when it’s no longer ‘current expansion’).

Then Season of Mastery variants of each…so TBCC SoM will be out a few months after Wrath Classic

I think it’s 99% likely they will. There is zero development costs. The cost to release is so small it’s a good gamble to release it and see what happens. If wrath is a success they will release Cata. If Cata is a success they will release MoP. They will continue to release at least until one fails.

you have no basis for that claim

dev costs for making cata again are probably nothing given how tiny the classic team is

they’ll ship it out and people will play it