WotLK Hype?

I might play through Cataclysm if they were to release a Classic version, but I wouldn’t play it as much as other xpacs. I’d probably level whatever my current toons are to 85, max their professions, the roll a Horde DK. I have 0 interest in leveling an alt through the nee Azeroth.

MoP was a lot of fun.

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I said classic wolk will be less populated than tbc, just like tbc is less populated than vanilla.

Sure, but the fact that they haven’t officially announced WOTLK or made an effort to market it, is a big concern for me. If they expect to release WOTLK anytime within the next year; why isn’t blizzard hyping it up right now? When will they announce it? Why wait until the last minute? Doesn’t make good business sense to me.

I will play cata seriously if enough people in my guild want to. Guilds make the game imo

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Life’s changed since the old days. I can’t commit to raids anymore, so I dink around with alts and battlegrounds.


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We are months away from WOTLK it’s really too early.

Players may come back to TBC, prepare for WOTLK but then, they will be “bored” to have to wait few extra months.

I guess they’ll announce it with the last phase of TBC which come with some catch-up like Quel’Danas / ZA…

Cata will be more popular this time around; I’d guess that will come too and Pandaland.

I don’t want cata, but I also know what type of entity we’re dealing with here. And if the demand begins, so will the wheels of money.

But what if I am a Sith Lord?

Unlikely - Cata was better at launch than 4.3, and we’ll be getting the final patch.

data miners

The consensus in these parts and on youtube says otherwise. I concur with them. I think it will be popular this time around and MOP BOOM.

Actually tbc was. Wrath just took it to a whole new level which then laid the foundation to what we have now.

We went into Cata with the highest sub count this game has ever had. It will still be played, but it will be much less popular than any other part of Classic and if we get the final patch, will be even more boring.

Cata classic will be better than WOTLK cata.

You can’t change my mind.

Wotlk will be good but it’s an overrated xpac which is going to be much worse this time around.

The current timeline would put WotLK at roughly September-October at the absolute earliest, and even that would be cutting -heavily- into both the BT/Hyjal tier as well as the Sunwell Tier.

More likely we’re looking at November/December if they want to boost MAUs for Q4, or like Febuary of '23.

So yeah… hyped… but it’s baby hype, and still a very long ways off yet…

I kind of agree. I doubt they will do any classic stuff beyond cata as that was where the big changes happened.

I loved cata but I don’t think they will do a classic version, but hey who knows?

Cata was my favorite time playing wow. Not my favorite expansion but it’s up there. I had lots of time to play, raided and pvped a lot, etc, etc… was just a good time!

I mean they could do it sure and sell it as Classic + but there are too many changes to ever realistically call it classic after the three.

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