i mean whats the difference? an item drops thats meant for a tank, goes to a dps because he had his loot spec set to tank? nothing really changes, your gonna ask if you could get the item and hes gonna say “its for my offspec, so no” your only switching it from they ninja’d from they won my MS item.
I’ve been advocating for RDF since the beginning, however never have I seen personal loot tied to the argument. RDF is simply the best system (they currently have) to form a group for dungeons when guildys and friends are unavailable.
It is that, without RDF, a lot of tanks and healers are claiming they’ll gatekeep and reserve drops. Personal Loot prevents that is all.
If we still had RDF, Personal Loot wouldn’t be quite as important because the groups would be organized with fair competition. But removing RDF means Personal Loot is now mandatory and that Blizzard must add it, or the Socializing and Long Term Friendship forming which Blizzard is intending is going to instead backfire into a clownstorm of loot drama and toxicity.
Technically they’re only adding an option for raids, not taking it out. Dungeons will still be 100% PL, which is fine.
Wouldn’t care either way if dungeons went PL, raids though should stay as they are. As a healer I do not need first dibs at loot from raids and would rather not slow the group down by getting untradeable loot.
(really only applies to rings/necks/weapons since sp plate is pretty much pally only lol)
Personal loot is lame. I like the feeling of knowing I was the one to win the item. Makes gear much more sought after/desired when you’re competing with other people for it.
Ninja looting is a social construct, pretending it doesn’t exist just because you can argue that “technically” loot isn’t yours until it’s in your bags is some next level mental gymnastics.
Yeah, because removal of ML has went so well over in Retail that they’re not literally bringing it back because they are finally acknowledging that people hate not having control over how they play the game.
What most people probably won’t acknowledge or realize is that there’s nothing actually wrong with personal loot as a system itself. When it was first introduced and put into LFD over in Retail it was fine. You ran a dungeon with random people, and would get loot. No more healer rolling on a DPS trinket you were farming, no more troll rolls someone could try to pull off a ninja at the end of the dungeon because they got annoyed with someone. At the end of the day it was at worst a necessary evil for a game that had lost the socialization aspect and negative repercussions someone could incur for being a jerk.
Then they made it a system you could use anywhere, and people didn’t really use it that much because the loot acquisition was too volatile, but even after buffing it people largely kept using ML over PL IME. In cross server pugs people still opted to ML, and that could result in more ninja looting so they forced it on pugs without enough guild members, which was also fine for the same reasons it got baked into LFD. Then one day they woke up, got lazy, and forced it on everyone, and furthermore have had that restriction in place about how you can only trade loot in specific situations which just feels terrible for organized players trying to divvy up loot as best as possible.
That is what people hate. People don’t hate PL itself. People hate that Blizzard took that system and shoved it down everyone’s throats on top of forcing arbitrary loot locking restrictions because they didn’t think players could be adults about handling their loot.
Last I had heard they were bringing some sort of new system they are hammering the details out, guess we will see if it’s GL like Classic has or if it’s some other sort of merging of systems. But yes, it won’t be strictly ML in the same sense of what we have in Classic, however as far as organized guild runs go it’s probably just going to operate that way anyways so it’s kind of moot.
I do, and I can see you wouldn’t be asking to ask you would be asking out of loot envy. Which is why you don’t want personal loot. The need to be able to control where the loot goes is too strong.
Honestly personal loot isn’t that bad and for the most part, I don’t get why people don’t like it.
The only part that makes sense to dislike is the inability to trade if its a personal upgrade. If its lateral or a downgrade then the restriction is lifted and it becomes tradeable, but I get it, as ilvl upgrade doesn’t inherently mean stat upgrade. Ie, I need Haste and Crit and my chest is ilvl 450 that gives both, but I get a 455 chest that gives Verse and Mastery. Its an ilvl upgrade but a stat downgrade but I still can’t trade due to it being “better”.
Outside of that, personal loot is pretty pog.
Personally I dont care though, I like both ML and PL, and I dont care to see PL replace ML in LKC, as I want some aunthenticity, but really if some anti PL people can explain why you hate it, thatd be cool, cause I really dont get it past the reason I stated.