WOTLK - Honestly, why not Personal Loot?

Literally every valid complaint about RDF or No RDF comes down to ninjaing/reserves, so why not bring retail’s Personal Loot to WOTLK? Bliz can just disable it for raids.

It’d also improve the social experience for players to no longer stress about loot competition, so they aren’t entering every run preemptively hating everyone else, and it’d stop BoE ninjaing from enchanters etc.


Technically there is no ninjaing. Bad etiquette sure, but you still have a chance to roll need on anything you want.

What they should do is get rid of master loot completely and make group loot mandatory game wide. See all the tanks go berserk (Love to see that).


Personal loot is a terrible system. Like its hard to fathom that people would actually want it to be the default system.


I think you’d see a lot of people go berserk
Suddenly “lol glaive hunter”

Personal loot is awful why would anyone advocate for it? No. A hundred times no. It’s one of the worst aspects of retail wow.


Hence why theyre changing it in retail.

Like honestly the only people with worse ideas than the ones on the forums are the devs themselves


What’s wrong with P loot?




My only complaint with Personal Loot, was the constant PMs “hey, can I have ‘insert the item I got’”.

My only annoyance with Personal Loot, was the propensity for Coin as the reward. …even with the ‘bonus roll’ tokens.

I dislike ‘open roll’ loot. So many of the groups I’ve been in have fallen apart because someone rolled on gear in a manner that someone else in the group didn’t think was appropriate.

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It stops ninjas and prevents party leaders or partial premade guilds from abusing loot. A lot of abusers are desperate to keep Personal Loot out because they hate that other players are guaranteed to gear up eventually.


Be more specific.

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Personal loot killed the game. It sucks raiding for weeks in retail just to get 12g from the raid bosses.

Wrath would be dead on arrival if they introduced personal loot.

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Ah yeah that’s why my OP says not for raids.

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Even for just dungeons it would suck for alts. Easy way to solve ninjaing do dungeons with friends and guildies.

Because Personal loot is a terrible system, getting an item thats a higher ilvl then what you currently have and your not able to trade it, nor use it because it doesnt have the stats your class wants; ontop of that Guilds cant control who gets what gear – Ive had 5 dst’s drop in my guild, and everyone that has gotten one has quit the game, same with madness drops, and other premium items.

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It also stops people from getting their bis and being unlucky can be a death sentence to someone’s progression.

As someone who grinded all 24 legendaries in Legion for their class and spec for mythic progression.

Shut up.


WOTLK doesn’t have titanforging or questionable gear stat rolls it’s all pretty static loot/ilvl. And you could always trade something you already had if you won it again iirc. I agree with the guilds thing, raids should be able to choose, but for 5 mans with pugs? Personal Loot just prevents abuse.

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nonetheless you have to take in account you will always get more then what you asked for from blizzard, and from history that never plays out well.

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It also helps people get their bis and be lucky and progress.
It stops ninjas from ninjaing, 3 man premades of close friends from exploiting the other 2 pugs that join, etc.

Honestly all I’m seeing is more and more supporting evidence that Abusers are the only ones that don’t like personal loot.


I figured. I say add it. Loved it in retail and all other MMO’s who have it.
What sucks worse is going through the dungeon and someone who completely doesn’t need the item takes it. I’ll never forget losing my robe in SFK to a Prot Pally lmao.
But now Retail is removing it so idk. :woman_shrugging:

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