WOTLK Fresh looking rough

No, you can tell because Classic has been heading towards mega-servers while stragglers on dying servers have slowly but surely been pushed onto bigger, merged servers.

The difference is that there is no benefit or advantage to playing on a dead server compared to one of the mega servers. However for fresh servers there is a real and intrinsic advantage. That alone will ensure a stable population. Also if blizzard decided to make only one fresh server per region they’d easily have fresh “mega servers”.

Fresh was always going to instantly die, that’s what they do on private servers and there’s no reason to think it would be different here. Now there’s going to be some supreme cope that “Blizzard didn’t give them what they needed to flourish” or “That wasn’t REAL fresh because I didn’t have a 4 month notice before it released” even though the bluepost says they’re coming with the prepatch.

The eternal fresh-chasers.

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No, the issue is that you’re starting with a lower population and it’ll be harder to find groups to run content and the auction house will be less of a factor. Sure, some people enjoy making the game less accessible for themselves by playing on dead and dying servers, but the majority will leave when the novelty wears off

Ok when is prepatch then, smarty pants?

If you say so, but I think you underestimate the popularity of Wrath. This is an expansion that garners thousands of people to repeat the same content time and time again. We clearly see this by the fact that “fresh” private servers consistently begin with 4-5k players (before the monopolization by Warmane).

And how many people do you need? If 3-4k players was the average population for a server back when wrath was current, why need more than 10k? If you log on Icecrown which supposedly has 12k people, and go to Dalaran, you literally won’t be able to find your character because it’s so packed.

Do I think there are at least 10k people on the east coast US that will play fresh? Yes, and that’s more than enough, in my opinion.

then you will be late and by the time you hit 60 there will be boosts gdkps ruined economy and achievement or no invite

Why does it matter what level you are when WOTLK releases? You aren’t trying to compete in some stupid race with people on TBC servers are you?

The most you can level to is 70 anyways not 80…before WOTLK releases.

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If the prepatch leak of the 30th is true i fear fresh servers will be dead on arrival. Players will not agree 4 weeks is enough to go from 1 to 70.

I thought the point of fresh start servers were so that people wouldn’t have to feel like they are rushing or competing. Since everyone starts at a level playing field, getting to wrath quicker doesn’t matter.

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Absolutely agree. Levelling to 70 on a fresh realm is going to be rough, even with the XP boost. And I for sure think that the goal should be to have as many people as possible hit 70 before the 26th of September. No one wants to be stuck in Outlands when Wrath launches.


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They said it will launch with prepatch.

Prepatch has been assumed to be 8/30 since the second they announced 9/26 go live.

I would say… relax?

You don’t have to be 70 when WOTLK releases. There is no promise that you would be…

There is zero reason to be 70 anyway.


I was hoping they’d be non-transferrable permanently, or at least for a year

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I mean, there is some reason to be 70.

It would be nice to start with everyone else for group quest / dungeons.

Its definitely not zero

except on a fresh start server everyone starts at level 1. So everyone will be on an even field.

Boosters are ahead of their time!

Practically zero because most people won’t be.

Okay, i know this is hard to comprehend… but fresh release date, isnt the same as WOTLK release date…

SOOOO, if 80% of the fresh server is 70, its probably a good idea to join them at being 70 too yanno?