So after they updated WOTLK to phase 2 today my fps capped stopped working. I keep it at 120fps which is fine but now the cap is not working and I reach over 250 fps which makes my GPU way too hot and the game is now unplayable for me. I have had two problems with gpu temp in the past on classic… both times was because of addons and was simply fixed with updating/reinstalling addons and the game itself. I also play retail on max settings so I don’t believe its my hardware, keep in mind my wotlk was working fine just before the update. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.


I have same issue.
I have set my foreground FPS to run at 100, but it has flown over 230+.

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i was able to manually cap it in nvidia settings

nvidia control panel → manage 3d settings → program settings → select wow.exe → max frame rate


Just tried this and did not have wow as an option for wow, I hope blizzard fixes this soon because I had about a dozen people in game tell me they are having the same problem

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click “add” and select wow from there (hover to check for classic/retail, it will show in the name)

I’m having this same issue, unable to cap my FPS after the Ulduar update.

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same here. I like to cap Wrath classic at 60 fps just for silence.

System settings are so broken right now. My primary graphic settings keep reverting after every change. I’m down to 40 fps while I solo instances. I’m loathing Ulduar tonight because I have a feeling the WoW engine is gonna be terrible.

I’m getting really irritated with this.

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Hey everyone,

Thank you all for reporting this, and I’m sorry to hear of the adverse effect it has had on some of your system’s performance. The devs are aware of this issue and a hotfix is being worked on. In the meantime, as others in the thread have mentioned, you can manually limit the FPS in NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings:

NVIDIA Control Panel:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”
  2. In the NVIDIA Control Panel, navigate to “Manage 3D Settings”
  3. Under “Global Settings” select the “Program Settings” tab
  4. Select the game you want to limit the FPS for from the drop-down menu
  5. In the “Vertical sync” option, select “Adaptive”
  6. Use the “Max Frame Rate” option to set the desired FPS limit
  7. Click “Apply” to save the changes
  8. Close the NVIDIA Control Panel and launch the game to test the new FPS limit.

AMD Radeon Settings:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “AMD Radeon Settings”
  2. In the AMD Radeon Settings, navigate to “Gaming” then select “Global Settings”
  3. Under the “Global Graphics” option, select the game you want to limit the FPS for
  4. In the “Wait for vertical refresh” option, select “Adaptive”
  5. Use the “Frame Rate Target Control” option to set the desired FPS limit
  6. Click “Apply” to save the changes
  7. Close the AMD Radeon Settings and launch the game to test the new FPS limit.

The settings for draw distance / envriomental detail will also decrease on every single log in. Or if you check the graphics menu, please advise.

Still broken.

Hey there,

The Max Foreground FPS bug not limiting the framerate properly was fixed in version This setting now works properly and limits FPS while the game is in focus.

There is a separate bug which is causing Environmental Detail and Ground Clutter to lower by 1 each time the graphics settings window is closed and re-opened. This is planned to be fixed in a future version. For now we just recommend setting those two sliders like you want them and then don’t open the graphics settings unless necessary, otherwise you’ll have to raise them by 1 again.

I don’t think it is only limited to the 2 sliders - I noticed all my advanced settings don’t stick at all and reset on re-opening the settings.
I don’t need raytracing on an old game.

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It’s still not fixed…what’s the hold up?

When will this be resolved? Thank you in advance!

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