WOTLK doesn't need RDF

Wait, were they not saying group forming was impossible earlier?

Now it takes 3 hours?

Thats a big jump from impossible.

Its a shame they cant get their story straight.

Yes it does literally took 2 hours and 47 minutes last night to put together a dungeon group just for tank to DC halfway thru the run…then back to spamming for a group it’s a waste of time for the same result just as many bad people in groups as in RDF…

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It’s probably really hard for you seeing as your a lvl 10 worgen this is about bc not retail…

RDF isn’t going to save you very much time in the “waiting for a tank” department anyway.

In original WOTLK, a huge majority of the queue times are going to be waiting for a tank or a healer to fill-in. If you’re a DPS, expect 40 minute or more queues at the least, and I presume the tank/healer to DPS ratio is even worse today due to overall population increase. Then there’s always the chance you get in and the tank leaves or AFKs or whatever, no skin off their back since they are tank spec and get quick, near-instant queues. Then you’re forced to wait 20-30 minutes for another tank to queue in.

RDF doesn’t save you from groups taking an inordinate amount of time to form if you are a DPS class, so this is just a fantasy to begin with.

At the same time, you class is an amazing dungeon tank. Maybe you should just do it yourself?

I would not bother they don’t live in any normal reality, I’ve logged in, played for a bit, seen maybe one LFG chat, log off and 4 or 5 hours later log back on they are still trying to get a group.

I use this character to keep all forum activity on one character. Im currently raiding sunwell in tbcc.

But no one is unsubbing over this. They’re just complaining on the forums. And the complaining has already died down a lot. It’s just a vocal minority and their alts at this point.


How so I can easily swap to prot problem solved solves the tank shortage even as a tank right now you could be waiting more than an hour it’s not like groups are that social to begin with… That’s the big argument all the classic Andy’s like to bring up…

You will get vote kicked pretty fast doing that.

If you are a prot paladin and have problems making a dungeon group, I can only assume that you are literally on the blacklist.

Umm… It hasn’t released yet bc bled subs over the last 5 months lol. Also they can easily keep the RDF locked to your server like it was at launch doesn’t break up the community at all. If that’s the case then they need to remove the pvp finder and make everyone run to those instances…

What are you even saying here? You’re saying that Classic Wrath hasn’t released yet because people are unsubscribing?

Yeah, that’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Blacklists don’t mean squat on mega servers.

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Nope I was a ret paladin in a raiding guild until I took a break due to boredom nice try though. I’m not on anyone’s blacklist… I bet you can’t say the same elitist snobs like you are why RDF is needed… And was created in the first place.

I’m fine with waiting, because eventually I will get a group. I have no such guarantee spamming LFG.


No I’m saying how can you say people won’t unsub because of this before it’s launched lol… Wait until everyone pushes to 80 and then realizes it’s turned into sitting around spamming 90 percent of the time. Wouldn’t be bad if blizzard could crack down on all the /4 boosting spam but there not.

I live in the reality of having worked on my realms reputation and have been asked regularly by people i have played with before who are not in my guild to help them with things.

Its amazing how easy it is to get a group going when you have 3 guilds actively want you in their primary raid group, and 30+ tanks/healers who i got on friendly terms with by helping them do their things.

I regularly do things i dont need to in order to keep building my realm reputation.

I actually spent a day in SMV doing peoples attunement quest (when it mattered) for people. Fun fact, a hubter can solo most of those, only one i couldnt solo was the dragon rider guy in the south east of smv.

You did here

And here

And here

Especially here

Here as well

maybe here, it’s very hard to understand you at times


Hold up…I thought we were discussing low population realms that “need” RDF to form dungeon groups?

Can you make up your mind here?

You have an exact guarantee you will find a group that’s exactly what it’s for lol faster than spamming /4.

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