WOTLK deserves better

A better company to keep it above water.

A company that communicates with its players.

A company that sees the era as a world of players, not just cash goblins.

They can communicate about HC servers but not about the current situation of WOTLK.

We’re nothing more than numbers providing a paycheck.


They sure are good at growing contempt between the classic player base for sure.


I just want the game to thrive, not just barely survive.

WOTLK is my home, for better or worse.


People bring this up rather frequently.

What communication do you feel would be helpful? What specifically would you like to know?

I guess this part specifically always makes me wonder, because I don’t find communication to be lacking in any meaningful way personally.

What is “the current situation of WOTLK” that requires communication? There has been some communication, and there is a current PTR with some changes.

Sure, I thought the knee-jerk changes to druids was outrageous; but they communicated with a very nice follow up post that explained that they should have, and will use a PTR going forward to test such changes and iterate based on feedback, as that is the appropriate venue for it.

If anything, that actually restored my faith in the team; not that it’s particularly lacking as I’m very much enjoying my game time in WotLK.


Yeah I like how they communicated that we were getting a sweet new tabard like a week before announcing PTR I believe which was what less than 24 hours notice?

They sure know how to communicate well.

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They’ve been much more communicative in DF fees like a diff company tbh.

I can dig this. I used to feel this way about Grobbulus in general, what could they really do though? I see a lot of anger towards RDF in the forums, but that’s only really good for leveling alts and spamming norm heroics. The content just isn’t there. ToGC adds a fun daily area and new raid, but even so. You really only have Nax/Uld as big raids til ICC and PvP is unbalanced and broken mostly plate comps to offset burst meta and 75% of the playerbase is raid logging. It just hasn’t had much luster and I find myself quitting Grobbulus for retail more often now than in Vanilla or TBC.

What really could they do to make the game better that isn’t going to anger the playerbase by being changes?

That’s an interesting perspective!

Out of curiosity, how much notice do you feel is appropriate for new tabards to be added to a PTR?

You’ve said this before, and I asked about it, but don’t really understand what you mean by unbalanced and broken. I get that you’re stating:

But what does this mean? Plate comps like TSG 3s (full plate comp, I guess) and War/HPal or Preg/Uh in 2s?

What is “burst meta” precisely?

I main druid and dk, and mostly play rsham/feral 2s around 2100, so still pretty average, but the comps that seem to give us the most trouble are mage/spriest and rogues typically, which are usually not problematic when I’m on my DK.

It feels like there’s a pretty good mix of viable comps that hold up well, but still have some comps that they play better/worse into. Of course I’m still pretty new at arenas, so I don’t have much to compare this season to in terms of experience with other seasons or patches.

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Rather simple

  • come out and say if RDF will happen. Just like that. “Yes”. “No” “Undecided”.
  • Come out and say when/what/where future plans are.
  • Come out and say what other things they are looking to tune.
  • For blyeposts to actually show up and reply to other requests and suggestions.

SInce week 1 of Ulduar I’ve reported resto Druid T8 4P bonus bug.
Since week one mate! Even bumped that thread for nearly 2 months. NOTHING, Zero comms from them. And yes, it is bugged…

Nothing is preventing them to hop into some big discussions and actually set things straight. We can use this thread is an example. All it would take is for 1 of them to stop by and comment “Thank you for the feedback we will try to be better”

Ever tried talking to a person who clearly ignores you and doesn’t pay attention? Yeah. That’s what it feels like with Blizzard. Talking to a wall. Conversation is a 2 way street.

They don’t even acknowledge the feedback given to them. The need to answer big ticket questions as soon as possible.


It’s probably more about design decisions contrary to Wrath and minimal engagement as the release develops and circumstances naturally change.

One big factor of Classic was honoring love-or-hate-it aspects of the expansion as far as QoL and sense would allow.

I’m not going to debate each point-by-point, but to summarily alter key parts and silently act like it’s just the way it is…that’s not especially good for customer relations.


It’s a solved game, how much do you want them tinkering w PvP balance?

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Ah so you believe it was a good idea to release that tabard as it’s own announcement when people have been waiting for any kind of communication on phase 3 and the ptr. You know the tabard that should have been released in phase 1 where it would have been useful and now is only useful to new players which is very few. If you don’t believe that would cause resentment in the player base then you have more important self issues than being curious about what I think.

I don’t even think you understand the full scope of the situation. When you have a company that has lost so much goodwill of the players from WC3:reforged, Diablo Immortal, bots and hacking in warzone that is still not taken care of, how shadowlands was handled during covid AFTER having the very weak expansion of BFA and on top of that all of the scandals and lawsuits. You play other games right? Two examples of companies that ACTUALLY communicate to players are Riot and Jagex. They will even communicate through twitter and even reddit! Crazy! Blizzard can’t even post an updated roadmap of what they want to do with most of their IPs.

If they would have announced the ptr and the tabard at the same time there wouldn’t have been as much vitriol on the forums about it. If they would have announced ptr the day they announced the new tabard and then had the ptr open a week later on the same day it already got released. It would have been fine. It’s not like they didn’t know when ptr would be ready when they made the tabard announcement and if they didn’t know that the ptr was going to be ready within a weeks time when they posted that tabard announcement then they really are incompetent.

A decade ago I would be just like you sarcastically defending my favorite game company. They are just not worth defending any more in my eyes. Nor any company really. People seem to have a real hard time understanding that you can criticize or even hate a company and still consume and enjoy their product to some extent.

tl;dr I am glad you are are content with Activision-Blizzard as a company, but I am not.


This sounds like a fair statement, but at the same time did they not clearly, transparently state that they wanted to settle the topic before launch, which some might say they did:

Yeah, I can understand if you’ve been reporting a bug since week 1 and have had no feedback that that seems incredibly frustrating. That’s a good point, I think!

Continuing the discussion from Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions:

This has been a failure and players are asking for solutions. They aren’t providing any, so players are asking for RDF.


Bros asking dumb questions like hes a blizzard employee :skull::skull:


they touched on that before Classic’s conception, during classic’s announcement, after its release, during Wrath’s launch, and after its launch. It’s been “touched on” it’s not coming, same as it wasn’t around this time originally, same as it was origjnally during the earlier timeperiods, just like it was originally, because thats what people asked and have asked for; you just don’t like the answer

Future plans are… they keep releasing the old content on schedule. What exactly are you expecting here?

Every request and suggestion has been terrible and has led to terrible decisions on blizzard’s part

There is only so much they can do when they released the old game in the same way/manner that they’ve done with TBC (for the most part)

Or… they can realize that it’s an old game, that people are going to play either way, or they’ll know that people that shill for RDF have no idea what they want or what they’re talking about so they can just keep focusing on either retail or the real Classic players by giving them things that they want, whether it’s stuff in Wrath or stuff in vanilla

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Yeah! Screw the players they are gonna play anyway. With that logic just add microtransactions in Wrath. People are going to play either way!


LoL remember the god awful community council they implemented to give the illusion of communication, that they stocked with yes men and then ignored all feedback from the actual community?


-Release times of future phases
-Status on bug fixes for the myriad of bugs and glitches in the game
-Status on issues like the legions of bots flooding the game, rampant RMT and gold buying, hackers/cheaters in arena, etc.

The only communication we get is a blue post every 3-5 weeks. That’s absolutely pathetic for a game with 400,000+ players. Even private servers being run by volunteers in their spare time had better communication than this.


Maybe the rampant cheating in PvP? The absolutely INSANE amount of bots? PvP scene losing 57% of its playerbase because of blizzard-made decisions? Bugs GALORE that go unfixed for 6+ months at a time?

How about the fact the customer support doesn’t exist outside of billing issues?

You can’t defend these guys, they are there for a paycheck and nothing more. Retail gets multiple direct communications from the devs every week. Classic is crickets for months on end.


I’m unfamiliar with this; can you provide a little info for those who may not know what you mean?