Wotlk dead 2 months in

i snipe people from trade/lfg chat if they mention the word “new” or “returning” just to have a chat with them and i’m gonna say this

the current returning players are already quitting in 1~2days after getting back into game.


Nah… 2 months in and players will be watching streamers and friends getting wrath epics and the animals will come running…

Just ban any conversations in chat related to these activities. If someone posts anything related to boost/gdkp in terms of looking for it or creating it just suspend them. If people want to create channels that aren’t LFG for this activity let them do so. But having it being flouted around in normal chat isn’t something that should be encouraged or tolerated.


Can someone explain to me exactly how GDKP works? I’ve just come back to level a character before WotLK.
This is what I’ve put together based on my observations:

  • The raid is run by the Loot Master, who usually takes a percentage cut of all the gold obtained during the run.
  • People bid gold on items they want that drop from the raid.
  • Usually 2-3 people are “pure buyers” that are hard carries and just there to buy gear and thus fund the raid.
  • Everyone else who participates will get a portion of the earnings at the end. As far as I understand, even people who are not carries can still bid on items.
  • There is usually a minimum performance requirement to get a payout at the end of the raid.

It seems like a person could get decent gear from heroic dungeons and then join some Gruul/Mag GDKP runs to actually make some gold. In WotLK, if a person starts from the beginning, they should not be so far behind the curve that they couldn’t participate in GDKP groups as a carrier until they make enough gold to buy some needed items.

Again, this is somebody looking from the outside-in who has never actually particiapted in a GDKP run. For those of you who have, I would appreciate any clarification you can offer me.

I have just started leveling a character on Benediction in preparation for TBC and joined a brand spanking new guild of people who are doing the same thing. There is no guarantee that everyone will survive all the way to WotLK launch, but there are people who are looking to get a fresh start in WotLK and finding others who are like-minded. Hopefully the guild thrives and GDKP runs don’t become the norm for me.

If you play on the “PvE” servers like Benediction or Farlina then yes that is likely the experienced.

This, even with all RMT gone, only legit gold, people would still GDKP. The fact is that GDKP give pugs items, gold, or both. SR and MS/OS give you a chance to get nothing.

The numbers would just be smaller with less gold in the economy, and I don’t think there’s ever gonna be a small enough pot for people SR instead.


In theory you are correct. Problem is the way most GDKPs are trending is the person in heroic dungeon gear is not going to get in as anything but a hard carry, and in that case may or not get a cut. Also the guy in heroic dungeon gear may or may not satisfy the RL gear/parse requirements. Is alot of GDKPs out there so what you propose is not impossible but the GDKP route to gearing up is not as easy as often is made to seem on these forums.

Yep. You get rid of rmt the amount of gold in the pot goes down but the value of gold goes up because of less gold being in the economy which therefore puts in the same exact spot we are in right now just minus the bots and gold sellers/buyers. It’ll have virtually zero effect.

Yeah GDKP is the most fair loot system in the game. And everyone wins.

Everyone else just poor or haters.

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Serious question here… why dont people just roll dice for the loot drops? I havent raided yet in TBC and im curious why loot rolls arent done like this anymore.


One word: control.


Has nothing to do with control and everything to do with receiving something for your efforts regardless if its an item or not.

Doesnt just straight up rolling dice on the drops do that, though? I am confused why gold needs to be involved… unless to break the tie on a roll or something.


what is mid barrel ?

out of curiosity : )

There is nothing wrong with GDKPs.

The rest of your post can be solved by simply adding LFD on prepatch.

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I dunno but that fella doesn’t usually speak in sentence form.

name checks out

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No, if you lose the roll you leave with nothing. In gdkp you may have lost out on the gear but you leave with gold because the sum of all the gold in the pot is split between the players in the group at the end.

So if the pot is 25000 and you have 25 in the group, outside or performance, organization or role cuts you would leave with 1000 gold

That sounds ok. But does the gold factor into the loot rolls at all. For example, if i got a 90 on the roll and you got an 80, could you then “bribe” the guild leader with additional gold to then get the item anyway?

Technically correct. But you need to have gold and or gear to get into the raid in the first place. It’s not like Jonny questgreens is going to get into a gdpk without a fat sack of gold. And even if he has a fat sack of gold, he has to have more than the last guy trying to join.

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