WotLK Classic potions not coming off cooldown

So, even when im not in combat. I could be in a town or just running in a questing zone. The moment i use a potion or Elixer, they become grayed out and just say (cooldown starts upon leaving combat)…Im not in combat lol So shouldnt the cooldown start?


I’m having the same issue.
Playing on steamdeck if that matters using console port.

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yes this happening to me too

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I am also having this issue please fix D:

I thought I was the only one! This has been driving me crazy!

Me too, the only thing that seems to work is exit and then in drink one then exit then in and drink the other

Note that it locks out the whole family, too. E.g. Using [Elixir of Major Troll’s Blood] also locks out [Elixir of Water Breathing] which is not…awesome.

Having this problem too. The only addon I have turned on is Questie.

same here, i had just started playing again after not playing for 10 years, and i was like wtf i dont remember this, this cant be right.

I remember it, and I think I know -what- the problem is, but I’m not sure how to articulate it properly.

Remember potion sickness? This is probably that. Exactly the same implementation problem as pre-expansion last time the Lich King…wrathed…where the initial version of the mechanic briefly put you into combat when you used certain potions or elixirs, took you out again, then set the reset trigger as “when the current combat ends”.


So we’re stuck unless there’s still someone who remembers how it was fixed the last time, or it’ll disappear once WotLK actually arrives (wasn’t it fixed in one of the launch patches? I don’t remember.)

Also having this issue

Same here. Very odd.

having same problem :expressionless:

I have the same issue.

Dang. They havent fixed this yet. Actually surprised.
Well guess will ask the Dev gods to assist.

I am also having this issue, I have submitted a report and no answer?

Has anyone found a solution to this? I’m also having this issue, and I submitted a ticket. I got some auto-reply bullcrap and then they just remove the ticket. It really sucks not being able to use elixirs. Would be really nice if a GM, or somebody would comment on this thread with the solution.

Having the same issue…Thought I was bugged somehow

Same here! Only using the Questie addon

Oh thank goodness this isnt just happening to me. I do have a lot of addons installed, but I’m sure Questie isnt the one interfering.