Just tested on some mobs, level 69 Wild Worg in Howling Fjord. I’m level 70.
First kill without Heirloom gear, 1838 experience
Second kill with Heirloom gear, 2188 experience
This does not add up to 20%, I think it may be something to do with the fact I have rested, so it might be calculating the 20% before rested is applied and does not gain any benefit from rested at all.
Can confirm however, the critical strike rating is not applying at all, currently should be 29+47 rating for both pieces any level 70, but equipping these items does not change my rating or % chance at all.
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WTB 50% discount on heirloom gear because obviously because we are only getting half the value of the item. Right?
edit: gotta hold us back somehow so there is still potential for boosts am I right?
+hit is still not registering. What a waste.
This expansion has been riddled with bugs. I ended my subscription.
Try zoning into an instance or a BG, I think mine started working?!
Haste / Resilience / Hit / Armor Penetration Rating from heirlooms - not registering for me.
Have this issue for at least 2 weeks, please fix.
WTF? Just tested this and it works (sort of). Whilst inside an instance the secondary stats are working. Soon as I step outside again… gone.
Can also confirm the exp is working on quests. It won’t show a difference in the quest log but when you goto hand in the quest it will show the boosted amount in the hand in window.
Double post to bump and let everyone know.
I don’t know if it’s something to do with earlier zoning into an instance and then mailing to a different alt, but now they are correctly applying the secondary stat. This is only a few hours after previously not working. Not sure if what I did fixed it or if it’s been silently hotfixed.
Can confirm my hit rating on my rogue is not applying. I thought i was going crazy for a second. PLEASE BLIZZARD FIX THIS SO I CAN ACTUALLY HIT MOBS WITH MY SPELLS!
pls fix this is ridiculous
Just wanted to add to this, weirdly, when I logged on my hunter (alt) this morning, I noticed I finally was being given hit from my heirloom chest piece. After like, 2 hours? I Noticed it was gone again. (No, I had no bonus hit from anything like food, flasks or whatever, no gear changes, etc)
What even is this game
EDIT: just levelled up and watched my hit come back… again. what the actual
Edit 2: Its gone… again…
how is this still a problem? get those unpaid interns working blizzard!
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I have a feeling this is from trying to cram a 12 year old version of a game into the modern version of the game engine.
Still busted. Can confirm that XP increase and +attack power are working, and +health on kill from trinket is working, but all other secondary stats and effects from heirlooms are not reflected in the character pane (hit, crit, haste, resilience).
Can also confirm that going into an instance causes the stats to appear appropriately in the character pane.
As for the Bloodied Arcanite Reaper, I can’t Runeforge it on a 70 DK. Please fix!
Heirloom items are always lvl 1 items, so they can’t take Runeforging or enchantments that aren’t from OG Classic. This is at least working as intended.
But please, Blizzard, just make a blue post so we know what the status of these items are. Clearly something is being done, but a little communication would go a long way.
Heirlooms seems to be working again… Got the hit+crit+resilience rating on my character stats now. (it went away for a couples mins then came back). I think they’re currently working on it.
This whole expansion was rushed and there’s tons of bugs I’m noticing. Stuff like this should be on top of the list, same with broken talents, hint hint, Honor among Thieves.
Confirmed cloth looms are all giving secondaries now
I don’t believe Mp5 is working correctly on Devout Aurastone Hammer or Mystical Pauldrons of the Elements, I seem to only be getting the respected bonuses from Intellect (yes Intellect increases Mp5 even though it isn’t in the tooltip)
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