WoTLK Classic Heirloom Gear

Adding tedium is not the same as increasing the difficulty.


Please ignore the OP, this is the kinda of person who beats children and tortures pets for fun. Everything they do is to torment or hurt another living creature. Ever had a boss who enjoyed tormenting you at work? Ever had a family member who wish you weren’t there and made you uncomfortable or unhappy to be around? That kind of person is exactly OP please avoid.

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Basically this, these people are trying to change classic versions of the game. Only reason I can think of is, they want to prove whatever their chosen demon is, that is what killed WoW, and are advocating for its removal to try and prove that. Well, when classic Wrath doesn’t see the numbers people are saying it will hit, we’ll see that these people are the ones that are killing WoW with their change demands.


I agree that the cross server stuff helped to deteriorate some of the social fabric of the game, but it was a very minor contributor. Cross realm grouping didn’t change the fact that everyone is able to make alts, use name change services, and the game had grown massively by that point; 15 million players or so.

The only way for Blizzard to maintain that community vibe would have been to dial time back to 2004 when WoW had less than 100k players.

The game just got too popular. It went from being a quiet small town to a massive metropolis.


Because it’s not just spamming the chat. It’s facilitating socialization through gameplay as well. If those people do well in the dungeon, you should feel encouraged to group with them again. If you queue a group full of strangers and leave never meeting them again because they’re in your stupid battlegroup and not your server then you never have to interact with them again. This encourages you to act like a complete jizzwad, because you suffer no in game reprecussions for said Jizzwadery.

LFD and cross server is the BIGGEST contributing factor to toxicity in this game.

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That is not even remotely close to true. People can, and do, still act like jerks even though we have to spam the chat to form groups. The fact of the matter is that some people are just immature and dumb, and that is a fact of life.

Having to spam the chat for an hour, in reality, often exacerbates the issue because not only did we waste all of that time trying to form a group, we’re now tackling challenging and time consuming content. There are a lot of people out there that get impatient and angry because they wasted all of that time and now things aren’t going well in the dungeon so they act like toxic little a-holes. There is no magic remedy to cure human nature.

If there is anything mitigating this issue now, it is the fact that retail exists and all of the impatient players can just play there instead of the Classic servers.


Nice try, there is no challenging and time consuming content in WOTLK. It’s baby’s first WoW expansion. Worst expansion ever made. Fight me.

You’re very confrontational about very subjective things. Who hurt you?

You may think Cata cause there was a whole 2 pieces of heirloom gear in WotLK and though that was the beginning, 2 pieces didn’t break anything.

Edit: maybe three in WotLK. The weapon I believe. However only 2 pieces added xp bonus.

Classic is the dumbed down version of the game. Also you’re overlooking the biggest thing about heirloom gear in that you have to be max level to get it as it required badges to purchase. Heirloom gear was meant for alts not new/main players, so before you can get the heirloom gear you would still have to level up one character to max level without it.


They should be in 252 gear since that’s what Zereth Mortis drops
4s drop 242

10s only drop 255

What happened to the whole “NO CHANGES” group or did that only apply to Vanilla?


No, all of the original base sets were available in Wrath, and all the armour gave xp, only the weapons and trinkets didn’t. I spent many, many hours in Wintergrasp to get my cloth and mail sets.

Edit: The pants and cloaks came later with Cata as Guild achievement unlocks.


It is likely that more people want it for the nostalgia. They do not want it for another fulltime job.

Were they all available at the beginning of Wrath? I leveled a Hunter very early in Wrath and thought it was only chest and shoulders at the time. Well memory didn’t serve here.

Edit: Your mention of Wintergrasp sparked the memory. Ty ty lol!!

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No you are right there. Thinking on it, helms came in Cata as well with the Guild system. Trinkets were Wrath though I’m sure, at least the PvP ones were. Can’t remember when the fishing derby ring was added.

Jeez this was all too long ago. Making me feel old

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Not to mention when you bought a heirloom, that one was all you had. There was no creating multiple with a collection tab, you had to mail it to your alt and if you wanted to play another alt of the same gear type, you had to strip and mail it to them and wait an hour for the mail to arrive.

EDIT: geez, I sound like a grandpa, “back in my day we walked up hill in the snow both ways to get to school”


Because when you spend 30+ minutes forming a group and the dungeon can take just as long or longer you are far less inclined to abandon the group the minute something goes wrong. I’d say this is a bit less apparent in Classic, but generally you pay attention to who you play with to get dungeons formed later. It was especially true in original days where you formed some friendship with people to do dungeon groups. You learned who was good or bad, especially as tanks/healers. I had a bit of this during Classic, but now that I’m on a mega server (and a guild with 3 raid teams) it’s less apparent insofar as forming bonds with strangers, but the key about a group not imploding just because something goes wrong is still true.

Whereas M+ if you pug a group and it’s your key people are VERY quick to call it if it becomes apparent the group bit off more than they could chew, or even if they just wipe once or twice. I’ll never forget, very early in SL, we did a 10 ToP on a fortified week, and everything was smooth until the second to last boss where we had bad wipes, and it screwed us out of timing it. Tank just said GG and left. We had maybe 10 minutes left in the dungeon as there was one trash pack left and then two easy bosses, but it wasn’t his key and we weren’t timing it so he just left, and probably got in another dungeon within a few minutes of looking.

So yeah is LFG spamming actual social engagement? No, not at all. But because the system is technically flawed people have to make up for that on a social and human level via not being absolute douchebags the moment a run goes south. I can really only think of one heroic where I just decided to call it, and it was still after like 5 or 6 wipes and it being apparent the tank was way over his head.

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Yes the PvP trinkets were in. The break fear came in handy in PvE as well lol!!

Then you don’t really want the orignal wolk classic experience Afterall? Because the heirloom vendor in WG, and argent tour grounds is part of the classic wolk experience lol. And the retail version of looms have already been neutered to where they are pretty much useless anyways, so you kind of got what you wanted there.