Wotlk Classes > Era Classes

It’s a dumpster fire because the devs didn’t stay true to the game and are clueless.

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I honestly feel like cataclysm had better class design than wotlk, and MoP even better. WoD was okay, and Legion felt great. BFA was absolute disaster that hurt me to my core, and I haven’t played much dragonflight to give a fair assessment.

My opinion (and yes opinion is just how I enjoy it, not everyone will) is Era>MoP>Cata=Legion>TBC=WoD >Wotlk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shadowlands>>>>>BFA

I think the only non-controversial part of that is BFA being seriously not fun haha. I forgot shadowlands in here so had to add it in edit

Its tough for me because my Wrath rogue likes having extra abilities like Shadowstep and Fan of Knives and I also enjoy the additional customization through enhancements like glyphs. I find these things add depth to my 80 sub rogue for the purpose of large scale pvp.

I dont like ez mode poisons, no flashpowder and watered down Thistle Tea however or Wrath as a whole so its sort of a mixed bag but I can and do find some fun in BGs thanks to the larger tool kit and customization options. The game surrounding the classes just isnt as interesting as the classes themselves.

Depends on how much you like to eat/drink. In game of course.

if some +str on a low level cloth item is so abhorrent to you, you don’t belong in era :expressionless:

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I multi class PvE and PVP; Hybrids cry a lot and genuinely don’t understand how good their classes actually are in vanilla / TBC.

They think (hybrid only mains) that they should be doing comparable damage to what a mage does, and that they neek counter spell, mortal strike charge, intercept, blink, shadow step and priest like healing. You know, “power gamers” because they cant play their own class correctly

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Agreed, if I was changing Ret Paladin in vanilla I wouldn’t add any increased personal damage onto the class. I would solely add more support elements to the Ret talents that synergies with more classes, as is they only boost smite priests and a bit more utility would be cool.

there is some talent and ability tuning that could be done to make Ret / Prot and even Holy a more enjoyable experience.

Simply updating the seals (slightly) and reducing the core cost of seals and judgments by 50 - 70% and making Judgment of Command into a melee weapon strike dealing holy damage instead of a mirror to Judgment of Righteousness with a stun perk would make it better. Command being a trained skill and that before mentioned change a replacement talent would work great.

At its core the Vanilla Paladin is a good class and in the hands of a player who understands the nuance of the kit; incredibly dangerous in PvP.

The PvP problems of the Paladin Class are more gear issues than any thing.

There’s no gearing problem Warriors just need to accept that onslaught girdle is paladin prio. I guess the real challenge of paladin gearing for pvp is there’s like five sub specs that you want different gear for all of them.

Lol ya, and weapon swapping is massive; so you need 2 sets of shield and 1 handers, and a stout slow 2hander.

Wrath is like, ok let me attack this guy, wait he has shield wall, ok let me attack this guy ok he has dispersion, ok what about this guy, nope cloak of shadow, or this one, nope green shell. Ok this guy doesnt have immunities, wait my dps cd is down.


we didnt like #noChanges.

enjoy the changes.

What YOU like doesn’t matter to me. :wink:

it should, if you knew what’s good.

What he likes doesn’t matter, what I like is what really matters :expressionless:

and why is that sweetheart?

Because you want to be on my good side around these parts. Not to brag but I’m kind of a big deal. You don’t want any misunderstandings, now, do you?


Thanks for the laugh bud.

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The misunderstanding intensifies…
