Wotlk Classes > Era Classes

I could not disagree more. While they are for sure a lot more fleshed out, the classes already just start to feel like you are picking melee dps x and melee dps y with just a different theme but same tool kit. Thats retail class balance design to me.

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Truth you could already start to see this in tbc and even a greater extent in wrath. Specs become increasingly tunnel visioned to the point where in later expansions classes like dps paladin specs might as well not have any heal spells at all. Wrath class design is well on the way towards the game periods where everything is over homogenized, such as dks and later versions of warriors having so much self sustain in their abilities.

Eh idk, i could still both DPS and tank dungeons in TBC as arms war and my wife could heal and dps as ele sham. Wrath seemed like the turning point imo

What’s the alternative though? If the spectrum is Vanilla, with Locks being SB spammers for eternity, and BFA being the literal death of classes, Wrath looks pretty good. Could make a case for the fringe expansions, but BC is Shamancraft and Cata is closer to the retail class balance you’re describing. I think your apprehension has more to due with DKs being a thing, which obviously shouldn’t be part of the discussion. I’m just thinking of the classes that got so-well improved, like Enhance, Druid (anything), Spriest, Warlock.
If you had the option of choosing, I really don’t see how you can do the greatest good better than Wrath classes.

You would be wrong.

I think (key word think) the classes overstep a lot of RPG boundries and have too many overlaps of design. For better or worse, I prefer classes being more unique than they are in wotlk.

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This is not really how locks play in Classic, though.

It’s how they play on Classic Era thanks to the debuff limit… but SoM removed the debuff limit. I’d imagine future seasons also remove the debuff limit.

In SoM: SM/ruin was the main build prior to AQ, when bosses were immune to fire. Then after AQ, when mages go fire and improved scorch is available, deep destruction opens up as an alternative option.

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I guess if you want to be board to tears in mere days of playing…

I play nearly every class excluding warlock / DK in Wrath, and played nearly every class in Classic Excluding Warlock.

The thing about Wrath is, its boring. Every class is OP AF and because of this I play wrath for a few hrs then I am just over it. I only log on for 2 things… Arena / Alts with my RL buddy who wants to play wrath but he only plays 2 days a week tops… And Raid night.

The rest of the time I play Classic ERA because even though the Classes feel incomplete and bad on the surface; they are way more interesting to play, and that comes down to a very long list of reasons but let me sum up.

Classic Era Classes are better because…

  1. You need to think about every situation because Mana / resources actually matter and are not endless.
  2. You do not have easy to use skills that just do everything for you, there is virtually zero auto pilot mechanics that can literally win encounters for you.
  3. There are not a whole slew of escape mechanics, use while in CC defensives, etc that allow garbage quality players to make bold garbage quality plays; in turn enforcing bad habits and hamstringing the growth of new players.
  4. As a flagrant multi-classer who actually LIKES playing hybrids (main a mage) I prefer the ERA classes over Wrath even though they’re harder to play in ERA, because they’re actually unique, interesting and different.

Overall while ERA classes could use some very minor refinement in terms of a few talents being made less “RNG” in ERA with some light duty changes perhaps to class buff costs, max durations on some buffs / debufs; limits on how many targets can be debuffed / dott’d to make play more fun and make players actually play better… Perhaps even change how some CC’s DR / work (slightly)…

Basically outside of very limited and minor tuning to existing classes that I know Blizzard straight up cannot handle because they’re not equipped with any talent in the form of Class design… I HARD PASS on Blizzard making changes.

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Haha typical, warrior jumps in and just zugzug. You talk rubbish man.

Hi, I am Axewiper. This is one of my druids on Classic Era.

Druids have 2 viable raiding builds (feral + resto) and one PvP build (balance). This is exactly the same as warriors, who have 2 viable raiding builds (fury + protection) and one PvP build (arms).

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Nelth tear is balance Druid prio though


wrath talent trees are inherently worse than classic. it’s absurd having talents so deep into the tree, effectively forcing everyone into 1 spec or another in a boring manner. there’s no hybrid specs. :expressionless:


Lol some humans also pound sugar like it’s healthy

… it doesn’t mean sugar > food

Oh god reading this thread felt like an abrupt trip down 2019.

That’s enough classic era forums for the day.

I agree completely, WOTLK is when classes started to feel good but weren’t so different from the OG game. So yea, WOTLK classes are peak for classic.

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Retail Classes > Wotlk classes > Era Classes

i see a pattern…


I agree if they could figure out how to code WOTLK class trees and skill sets into vanilla+ i bet the game would last forever

Wotlk+ is a dumpster fire and people are fleeing to era. Now they are trying to turn era into another wotlk+/retail. lol it never ends. The quest to make everything as horrible as retail is eternal apparently. Just go play wotlk+ or the Bud Light dragons, leave Britney-I mean era alone.


Classic era classes are fine as they are.

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Here’s my thoughts.

Give us the 1-60 itemization we got in TBC and fix the jank gear.

No one wants those Robe of the Moccasin from WC in Era.


The bizarre itemization is one of classic wows best features, can’t be changed.