Thrall never showed up and I can’t progress the quest further. When I try to abandon the quest or go back to orgrimmar I’m permanent stuck in another phase where I can’t see or interact with any other players. I have no idea, I’m like stuck in limbo until this quest completes but I can’t progress the quest if Thrall is not here.
I need help ASAP, I can’t do anything until this gets fixed.
Edit: The only solution I’ve found for people having this issue is that you have to hearth or get summoned to a dungeon to continue leveling. Orgrimmar and the Undercity are permanent phased and you can’t interact with other players and certain NPCS until the quest completes, even if you abandon it. (I heard even the boats/zeplins to northrend don’t even work) Northrend isn’t phased so if you get ported or summoned there you can continue leveling.
Edit2: I got a reply from my ticket and Blizzard said they are aware it’s bugged and are working on a fix, but with no ETA. Have to sit tight I guess. 
Edit3: Blizzard has made a temporary fix for this issue. You can read about it here:
Having the same issue, can’t figure out how to get org back to normal or finish the battle for undercity
Yep same here, just have the goofy brewfest music playing the whole time while being bugged.
My group had this problem. We had a player run down to the throne room and found both Thrall and Varian down there and he was able to interact with them and restart the event.
Our group was waiting for an hour and 15 min for this quest to start. After waiting one of our group went down into the Undercity to the throne room and found Varian down there. He was able to interact with Varian which started the 5 min prep. After the 5 minutes were up Varian had not spawned back up top. We went down to the throne room and found him fighting the horde champion. After he was able to kill the Horde NPC he respawned up top and started his RP, restarting the event again.
And then one of the party members where swapped to a different layer and it broke it again.
Finally got Thrall to show up but when we were in the last room of the event he just ran in circles and eventually reset back up top, quest incompletable no matter what we do.
The event is constantly stuck in “the alliance has taken the apothecarium” and only guard npcs being around. Jaina, Broll, and Valeera are chilling outside, but no battle for undercity starts.
Went through the portal. Saw only a few guards and it said the manhunt had begun.
Moved down into the city, found varian and jaina waiting in the undercity than it switched to the alliance is fighting through the apothacarium, fight through it. Get to putress’s room, and no putress. Just endlessly spawning slimes.
same issue but horde side
Same here. It showed that I could turn it in at the beginning of Undercity at some point but THrall quit spawning. I tried to drop the quest and pick it back up but the quest no longer exists on any of the previous quest NPCs. Now Org and Undercity are permanently bugged for me.
Still no solution for this? Did you contact support? This is getting ridiculous.
This is awful my repair bill is insane and now I’m stuck in rocks in the tunnel before the throne room after spending two hours death running after Thrall
Had to get people to summon me out - Org and UC completely phased and un-usable and there is no way to fix as a player.
We need to keep bumping this until blizz can fix it.
Same here. Thrall killed varimathrias, then just walked through the stone rubble, and I did not receive credit for completion. Now my org and UC are bugged. and am unable to access 2 cities in this game.
Same issue - need a blue post on this ASAP.
and when the rocks block the entrance, you can no longer continue.