It’s pretty sickening
It’s pretty sickening
Not targeted at you personally, of course, but never forget that this stuff happens all around you and you don’t realize it.
Oh of course. I know that wasnt targeted at me, no worries.
I make a habit of keeping abreast of places like We Hunted The Mammoth, IncelTears, and Best of Outrage Culture, it’s not a lot but it’s my own way of at least trying to keep up with what the literal scum at the bottom of the barrel are up to without actually giving them pageviews.
The stuff in the article I linked doesnt even begin to scratch the surface of the horror show that is, say the incel community, and its distressingly common in online platforms, games or otherwise.
I follow WHTM myself. I wasn’t aware of the other two.
IncelTears is a subreddit devoted to making fun of the incel community, Best of Outrage is a subreddit devoted to making fun of fake outrage, they have a lot of posts dealing with GamerGaters and that sort.
Oh, both on reddit?
I realize it’s a little irrational of me but I’m leery of that whole place. It doesn’t seem like much good comes out of reddit.
They are really the only subreddits I follow, and purely because it’s another two avenues I can use to stay somewhat informed with the worst of the worst while not having to give them pageviews.
David pulls from IncelTears from time to time and he may have mentioned best of outrage once or twice, I don’t remember how I stumbled upon that subreddit.
Yeah, I know David browses a lot of toxic subreddits for his sources. I specifically appreciate him for making that ghastly effort so I don’t gotta.
I’m back from my vacation that was not at all hilariously spurious or forced.
sweats profusely and looks at the ceiling as a camera swivels to face us Ha ha, yes. I certainly hope you enjoyed your entirely optional, fun vacation that you took of your own volition.
Realm reborn - Friday i’ll be going back to it to join my brother and cousin and mother who have basically moved over to it.
I’ll have to start a new account since i can’t remember my old log in information and such but eh.
Gonna be a buff dragon lady
Ah I see you, too, are a man of culture.
what race is that
The one that sounds like the noise a dog makes.
Au ru or something
Au ra you kidding me?
those aren’t dragon people those are back alley cosplayers stapling on bits they find in the recycle
My information on final fantasy races are follows
Short thing
Giraffe elf
Swole people
Meow people
dragon people
the concept art for the Au Ra went from large dragon-like people to tall boyfriends and small cutesy waifus
i was very disappointed
God forbid any actual variety amirite?
I love it but it’s still FF. No characters below an 8.