A message from the dude who just fired/helped fire 800 people, yep. He needed that extra yacht.
Even if they are truly working to improve… a little harder to be excited atm.
“We’re unceremoniously firing a bunch of hardworking people, but it’s a good thing. No, really!”
J. Allen Brack is and always has been a slimeball.
He almost literally said “I’m tearing apart lives, but the games will be so epic now, you guys don’t even know”
As someone pointed out in Discord, this is the guy who helped sink Star Wars: Galaxies. He’s been with Blizzard a long time, but it seems like things keep slipping the further up in the ranks he gets, and now that he’s President of Blizzard as a whole, well…
Meanwhile Nintendo after a reported slump in earnings and price cuts the Nintendo DS and boss and many shareholders take a 50% cut in salary to compensate.
So this is why you do your research.
I went to read up on this in further detail, the source that was talking about this failed to mention that this happened in 2011 and intentionally skewed the details to make it sound like Nintendo recently did this. It was written as a reaction to the Blizz layoffs.
Otherwise still prefer this option than laying off people.
…not as capitalist as they could’ve been, I guess, but I fully expect ex-Blizzard employees to tell us how half-hearted this severance package was in a few months.
I’d be willing to believe that if he was firing, say, Ion or anyone in a managerial position. Which is to say, the people actually responsible for this bungled excuse of an expac. But we all know the people getting fired are going to be diligent “underlings” who were probably overjoyed to be working for Blizzard, or just overjoyed to have a well-paying job.
This is severely disappointing for so many reasons.
“These people are members of the Blizzard family—they’ve cared deeply and contributed greatly to our work here and we are extremely grateful for all they’ve done.”
[Press X to Doubt]
I’m sure they care as much for their “Blizzard family” as they do their players.
There’s something… not just angering, but cringe-inducing about a millionaire telling you that he fired hundreds of folks, and genuinely believing he’s making it sound positive.
Like… listen to yourself. Have some self awareness for Christ sake.
…complete sentence.
This is just sad, all these hard working people who dreamed of working for blizzard, probably since they were just a child just get fired. I remember when I was little and I wanted to work in blizzard, not so much anymore, but to see thousands of peoples dreams shattered just like that. Its just terrible to see something like that.
So when do you guys think we’re going to start hearing the U-word seriously out of the gaming industry, huh?
breaks X key
I’m noticing I’m outwardly saying “eff you” more frequently in response to the things I read as of late. Like Brack’s message.
Not good.
I saw links to an organization floating around today, but haven’t looked at the details. It’ll be a heck of a mountain to climb, for sure.
Yeah, this does not give me much confidence at all. Firing those people will not fix the problems. All it is an attempt to make up for lost money. I feel it will make it worse, to be honest. How much we will see.