Worst tuning in Wow history

Please stop commenting on rogue related stuff, I’ve seen you post talking nonsense left and right. You are a bad rogue, looking at your logs and your posts here you should not be making any comments on our class.

Mages have been nerfed way too long. It is time for other classes to bow down to the squishy cloth wearer.

I approve this message.

You forgot their gate/summs too!

I kid you not, but my guild is typically ok with bringing an underperforming warlock SOLEY for summons and cookies in raid xD

It is far from the worst tuning in history.
You are clearly a new player I guess.

Also, since you are new, these changes are all mainly adjustments to talents NOT a tuning pass. They will most likely do a tuning pass next week once they have some numbers.

Check back in 1 or 2 weeks.

L take - mages are getting a tune which changes rotation and the damage increase to specifics spells are to make up for that. They are not even close to the most broken in the game currently. Will folks who play super endgame like Echo notice? Likely yes. Will normal players who get 2.5-3k rating each season notice? Very little.

I’ve said this before in other threads, balancing is fine for ~ 99% of the player base. Just do whatever content you like to do and you will be fine. Only the top maybe 1%-ish will actually need to worry about it.

This. It’s definitely not the worst we’ve ever had because the worst we’ve had was after they released Aug or ret rework

Way to show your demographic proud.

Quintessential doom poster.

You are wrong and i suggest you stop trolling. If 99% of the people had no complaints and game was perfect we would not have 3 pages of class changes coming every reset and downtime every 2 days for hotfixes. If 99% of the playerbase has no problems why are they changing shamans and paladins and hunters and DKs and fixing a laundry list of bugs literally every week. Why would they buff some classes if 99% of the playerbase is happy. Retard troll.

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I wish the forums had configurable regexp filters that filtered out posts containing certain strings.

Like these to name a few:

  • “worst in history”
  • “completely unacceptable”

I am NOT trolling. Worst wow tuning was in Vanilla wow. Vast majority of the players do not do content that requires better balancing and you KNOW this. People don’t have to agree with my statements and that is fine. But to say I am trolling when my intention is not trolling. Done with you.

Who cares what your intention is. You said that 99% of the playerbase does not care about the changes and is not affected by it. If that was true, why would blizzard make the changes.

im gettin ptsd from this yoyo bounce of paladin nerf n buff and nerf n buff.
pls stop we’ve had enough and pls fix lightsmith on hpal its friggin trash.

Mages still wear cloth. I’m first to die in PVP

You’re right. I say we go back to older WoW, where entire specs were completely useless in certain raids because bosses were flat out Immune to them!

I think the state of the game is for the most part balanced in its own way. every class and every spec doesnt have to be the same

Its really bad in PVP, awful tuning to the point where every match is the same 2-3 specs, makes the game awful when 60% of healers in pvp are holy pally and the change to see a spriest or feral is a 70%+ chance in shuffle. Like we have 40 odd specs in the game come on

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