Store transmog and why It's a problem

I’m not at all. People are free to pay however they want and do whatever they want. I’m against in-game things like transmog being put into the cash shop and charging us more for it.

People can say “it’s one set” all the want, but we’re being charged a sub fee and an expansion fee. Being charged for in-game transmog feels like a slap in the face and abuse of the fanbase.

But you don’t have to anymore. All tags are shared.

Ah I haven’t done either of those, but sounds like you had a hard time. I bet you feel accomplished and good you were able to get them, hm? More accomplished than spending $30 on them?

Doesn’t have to be.

I’m not worrying over nothing. I literally am saying even one transmog armor set in the store is unacceptable. More effort was put into the set than any armor set that’s been created thus far. It has custom fit ear holes for every race in the game, there’s no helmet that’s like that and It’s something players have begged for on multiple occasions that I’ve seen here.