So I’m bouncing around Facebook and this article gets sent to me, one of those Worst Movies of All Time things, I click on it and it’s all Major Box Office Hits from the past 20 years: the Twilights, the Star Wars, the Hobbits, chosen by some pretentious dweeb trying to show how sophisticated and intelligent he is. I’m an old nerd, I watched MST3K and the Midnight Horror Hosts like Elvira and Svengoolie, I’ve seen BAD movies. Hell, they didn’t even list the last Fantastic Four. So take the pretentiousness out and really tell me bad ones…
My Top 5:
Santa Claus vs The Martians
Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter (yes, that was a real movie)
Deathstalker III (made Deathstalker II look like Deathstalker I)
Star Crash
Manos, The Hand of Fate
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The Adventures of Saber Raine (with Casper Van Dien) is pretty bad, and Transmorphers (more Terminator than Transformers).
The Room.
You’re terring me apart Lisa!
I did not hit her, it’s not true, it’s bull#&^%, I did nawt! Oh hi Mark!
Rhinestone, Sylvester Stallone in a musical with Dolly Parton, I’m not making that up!
No Holds Barred, starring Hulk Hogan
The Incredible Melting Man, it was okay when it came out in '77 but it did not age well
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There was this really stupid movie with an expression for title. Like Argh or something like that. I’ve tried to remember it and look it up but can’t find it.
It’s about a little person who finds a caveman who can only say whatever the title of the movie is like ARGH! so the little person named him Argh.
Then stuff happens.
The End.
Jaws4. The shark roars. Seriously. It’s like, magic voodoo roaring shark.
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Skyline. It’s the only movie I ever gave serious consideration to walking out of the theater on.
Warcraft the movie… actually every game based movie.
The nun
Everything after child’s play 3
Brave heart
Highlander 2 and 3
Deadpool 2
Loads of others including those already mentioned.
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The new Mortal Kombat is the exception to this rule.
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Surprised no one said anything about the Star Wars Sequel trilogy (yet).
Anyway, I usually find some redeeming factor about any bad movie I’ve seen that saves it from being total crap but…
I think it was a semi popular franchise in the mid 70’s, but I found it so freaking boring that I almost fell asleep during watching it. I don’t think it’s the age of the film, because I’ve enjoyed other movies from that era, like Planet of the Apes.
Both a 1/2 star and 5 star movie at the same time!
Gonna throw Neil Breen’s filmography in the same category too
Pretty sure I mentioned the Star Wars sequels, under the category of “listed by pretentious dweebs”, despite their claims they made huge amounts of money, won multiple awards, and are pretty well liked by actual fans. Same with Deadpool 2.
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I really want to believe it, but I decided to wait for it to be released on streaming. Bitten too many times with that franchise.
The Sonic one was decent too
I thought Silent Hill was pretty cool. Although I never played the games.
Anyway. Wonder Woman 1984 is one of the werst films ever made. Complete trash.
Dunno, I’d played the game so the movie didn’t live up to it.
The only exception I can think of is resident evil, but I only played the early games and the movies barely follow it at all so it worked better.
It was still 100 times better than the Dark Tower movie.
The Dark Tower movie really didn’t have much to do with the 7 novel series and was a really bad 90 minute movie.
Warcraft was actually pretty decent. Even my husband enjoyed it and he doesn’t play WoW.
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