Seems pretty awful. Im not sure I like a single dungeon this season. The least bad to run are mists and ara-kara.
Siege of Boralus and Grim batol have been Miserable
Stonvault seems majorly overtuned
Ive avoided city of Echoes
I hated necroitc wake during BFA
Whats you guys experience thusfar?
I actually hate this season possibly more than any other season since the inception of M+.
You’ve avoided Ara-Kara? Awesome, last boss is legitimately the most ridiculously over-tuned and needlessly difficult I’ve possibly ever seen. Would LOVE to see the stats of how many keys 5+ and over have died on that boss. Makes Atal-Dazar’s last boss look like a cute fluffy kitten.
I cancelled my subscription last night, I tanked for pugs for like 2 nights getting to keys at around +5, I hate every dungeon, the mechanics can be pug killer, especially in low keys when the dps has no clue of what’s going on. So yea, they got my money for TWW and 1 month of sub buts that’s about it. I’m back playing Valorant where I can carry my team easier than some brain dead morons in low keys.
This is definitely not a season that I will be pugging, in any capacity.
I will sit out pushing entirely if need be.
That being said, it has thus far been manageable, with the groups I’ve been rolling with.
We’ll see how it gets once I start reaching for the stars.
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Blizzard’s goal is to kill mythic+
Pretty rough…I had a lot easier time getting into it last season.
I really dislike most of the dungeons this season. I may start pushing keys later in the season, because I really want the mythic monk set, but I’m dreading it.
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That boss has freaking heroic-mythic raid level mechanics. that really shouldn’t be a thing. Avoid webs or insta death, kill adds for goo or instant death, go to a goo nobody else is going to or instant death, avoid the poison slime or instant death. literally the deciding factor of the key is solely that boss.
So far, yes. It took too long to start, and the changes to the dungeons are moronic at best. also siege of boralus came back which means it never stood a chance to be good.
They both have mechanics which ppl tend to ignore. I think having the heroics in the seasonal rotation + Mythic 0 could help people understand these mechanics.
I guess I’m too much optimistic, but I feel that the seasonal affix is the worse, people do not care much, and I would prefer it at M+10 since people in those levels would be more inclined to work in the affix.
im going to say it. the people who said they were prefer to have little or no real affixes did NOT cook. tyrann + fortified at 10s and challengers peril at 7+s is horrid. feels so lazy and unfun. Guile is probably going to take all the fun out of pushing keys too.
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At first I thought no, but after a couple days. It needs significant help.
They need to undo the hard-cc changes with cooldowns on enemies. This whole can I, can’t I, on an interrupt because of AOE-CC incoming is pure evil.
You also forgot:
Kill sticky blood fast enough or eventually get killed by swirlies.
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Or just stun / cc / interrupt it and it lets you go. Then cleave them down under boss to clear the room.
Ara Kara feels like the easiest key up there with mists and that’s doing them all around 10s rn.
I just learned about this yesterday but you can actually interrupt or stun it to get out thankfully.
3rd necrotic wake boss is a joke
why did they need to add new mechanics to SHADOWLANDS bosses? they were recent enough to not need more garbage added on. His dot literally ticks for as much as a mythic raid dot, when you have 1 healer, wtf?
Atleast that solves that.
Still though the insane mechanical bloat the boss has overall has no place in M+.
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tell all your people to collect all the spears and use them on that boss only. it’s the only way lol. sucks absolute butt.
Dodge webs, don’t shoot blobs at friends, stand in purple when the boss sucks you in.
Is there anything else? Like I get that it looks like a lot, the fight does have a sense of “Ahh there’s so much going on” at face value, but it hasn’t felt like a lot for me personally.
The two fights I feel have excessive mechanics / too high a cadence are Splicer Izo and Twin Machinists.
Twin machinists is a very strict positioning fight that relies almost solely on the tank. Have a good tank and it’s not an awful fight.
Splicer Izo is def a pain in the but though, no argument there.