Don’t particularly hate the season yet but a lot of tuning probably needs to be happen and clearly for pugs +10s will be very challenging.
Yes and no. It’s more the sheer number of mechanics the fight has and the lack of downtime between them. Also when was the last time blizzard put a kick rotation on a dungeon boss?
I think the worst part of Stonevault by far is the last area trash though. Wiped there on an 11 twice so far and it is SO slow to clear.
Its pretty awful.
M+ where already a chore to do, and they made it even worse.
I can atleast appreciate that the boss gives very obvious verbal cues as to what mechanic is coming next.
“counter measures on” = get the hell out of the flaming vent corner.
“build it up” = get the hell out of center
“bring it down” = pray your tank finds the corner that doesn’t have the vent fire
and a very obviously telegraphed frontal. If you have a PUG tank though who’s not familiar with the fight, or DPS who just unga bunga and pay no attention to kicks or killing them evenly, god help you.
I wonder what made them choose siege of boralus…
They have so many good dungeons to use. Lol
Exactly the same xp for me, I normally always go for KSM pug tanking. I was ready to buckle up and get started Tuesday night and Wednesday night. Then this morning I reevaluated what I wanted out of this game and how some of the runs were and I decided not to continue. I cancelled my sub earlier but still got 2 months. Ill be playing the raid, get AOTC and run keys IF I feel like it but yeah nah, this is not for me. One less pug tank. Ill enjoy the game differently until sub goes.
For me it was the straw that broke the camels back. The overall quality of the expac and game has just gone way down and I think im outgrowing all of this.
You can thank blizzard and their infinite wisdom, or lack there of, for changing it so M0 is waht a M10 used to be.
Overall though I’m enjoying this season, minus siege of boralus.
AK and Mists are both quick and easy, even on 10.
NW feels less free / cheese focused, but needs changes to stitchflesh. Namely abom damage / hp is too high.
Stonevault has interesting bosses, it just needs some tweaks to end of dungeon trash.
City of threads is fine now the spies section is being learned. (3 segments, 3 locations per segment, 1 at each segment). Splicer Izo needs some tuning.
Siege I’ve never liked but at least there’s no spotter cheese.
Dawnbreaker is deceptively simple despite the potential confusion due to flying being enabled. Giving the second boss a static location made an enormous difference. Bosses are all fine too and trash is pretty ez.
Grim batol is another miss, but the tuning isn’t as far off as it initially appeared. The last boss core mechanic being “Don’t AoE adds” means it will be a pug killer for all eternity and to some extent I find that hilarious and hope it teaches some lessons.
Good thing m+ isnt the only thing to do in the game.
If it is for you… why?
Why what? It’s not fully clear from your post what you’re asking.
I actually dont dislike AK, the last boss was really tough when I thought i had to kill my add and not just cc or get a freedom.
Just seems like a very mechanic heavy season combined with the new adjustmets that make a +5 a wipefest if you have inexperienced or lazy players.
Some dungeons seems very overtuned though.
ki’katal in ara-kara and stitchflesh in necrotic wake are the two that stand out to me.
I can’t remember the last time I did PVP but this might be the start of it again. I can’t stand mythics right now, especially since resto druids are so garbage.
is to kill their company
I have failed more keys this season than all of dragonflight s4. its not fun and is not balanced for crap. also have zero prospects in keeping my alt prot warr up with my dk after all the nurfs & healing needed todo anything. the balance is so bad we should get free days back for all the beta testing we are doing on live.
Running with guildies is nice, pugging is bad. Other than that business as always
This season feels like a destiny 2 season. Going to dry up super fast and be a ghost town when the newness wears off and everyone takes a break from the BS. I’ll probably not push keys like I was planning and just chill.
Like it or not pugging is the lifeblood of wow and m+ and if that goes, the population numbers will suffer in return.
I genuinely believe that whichever developer decided to put Siege of Boralus back into the mix hates the game and wants it to fail
People hated it in BFA too
I cant believe i am farming the unbound changeling AGAIN for the third season out of the last 7
I’m 1600 already, I’m having fun.
Sure some are harder than they should be, but worst of ALL TIME?