Worst Launch in History

Did you miss how they provide a time of day for this drop? people have lives, they shouldn’t make promises they can’t keep. Of course they knew how this would go, but instead of respecting our time they write 3PM with even a countdown timer to the second for added hype.

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Remember OW2 was nearly unplayable for 48 hours and that was a game that runs on their “improved” server network.

Because the patience of 2 years waiting for this content pack ought to be nothing by now haha.

i do not remember any launch going this poorly. Illidan server is literally down with no answers

Definitely, worse than WoD. WoD was just the start zone, this one is everywhere.

Also, support ticket queues are 3+weeks and counting for responses, only to go up with how bad this launch is.

Shocked they haven’t used DDoS as an excuse yet.

You weren’t around for Burning Crusade that’s for sure. That was absolutely horrendous. The issues persisted for over a week.

server is taking nearly a minute to response to any action I take. Looting, engaging a mob, NPC. The server restart did nothing.

They had the problem with the final quest for Horde before setting up your garrison but it was smooth sailing for me when I played my Alliance character instead. I still have the launch screenshots.

i don’t understand why they don’t have more servers available or a queue with where you’re at in line.

They know how many people are on a given server…

Worst post in history for sure

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Did you miss the launch for Endwalker or something? They queues so long you timed out of the game and got kicked that way? It lasted WEEKS. To the point where if someone got DC on a raid night, raid night was over because it would take 2-3 hours for them to get back in.

This launch is no were near as bad as the one for WoD… blizzard servers were DDoS for days and days…Blizzard ended up giving everyone 5 free days of sub…


Gee, what a difference almost 7 hours makes.

sorry no there has been way worse.

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Tell me you didn’t play at vanilla launch without saying you didn’t play at launch.

Sorry,but i think WOD was the worst one. That was just a mess.

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Amen it was…all due too the DDoS attacks for days and days…I was playing but as always was getting DC and lagged out…blizzard ended up giving all player base 5 days of paid sub …

And this is why I always wait a few hours to a day after launch, let everyone else clog up and crash the servers and zones first so then I can have a proper and smooth experience later along with all the other late arrivals.

Disagree. Sure, the previous two xpacs were a little smoother for me, but my experience was simply the boat to Dragon Isles being 15-20 late, then the expected lag when we arrived. Once everyone dispersed to start questing, it improved dramatically. I think Blizzard did a great job, overall. Especially, considering they announced a very aggressive launch date AND they met it without pushing it back. Something many doubted they could do…at least, until they hired a boatload of developers.

Thank you, Blizzard. I am grateful.