Worst Launch in History

It was worse back in the day, you would be in queue for hours sometimes days and there would be nothing you could do about it, just had to wait and even then there would be issues. This is bad but its not that bad. It’s a tradition for this to happen every expansion, was not expecting to play today or maybe even tomorrow.

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just logged in it worked, well see what happens

wod was worst, some players got locked in their garrison for 3 days

If you think this is bad you have not played very long lol. WoD was 100x worse than this

I remember going to sleep and waking up 6 hours later and still in queue.

Wod was bad but not the worst. the worst was TBC, was unplayable for days and was given credit due to the launch.

so were all in and the stupid zeppelin hasnt come in 10 mins , just keeps givinmg a timer over and over and over , PATHETIC

You obviously were not around for Anarchy Online’s launch.

TBF, credit was given for wod launch too

Agree 100%. Anyone who thinks this is bad has only played the last couple expansions. I couldn’t log into WoD for 12+ hours then when I could there were hour long queues and then when you got in you couldn’t quest because the entire starting zone bugged out and you couldn’t see or interact with any npcs or objects. Then the lag was so bad it took 10 minutes to interact with anything. And then you would get dced every 10 minutes to sit in queue again just to be told world server was down. This is not bad at all.


I remember the wrath launch, some people were still having trouble getting in nearly a week later. this is -FAR- from the worst…
not as smooth as SL… but a lot of people hated the idea of SL and didn’t bother coming back for it, we’ve got a larger influx of returning players than we have in a long time. its gonna be rough.

if I manage to get logged in some time tonight, great, otherwise i’m cool waiting till tomorrow.

Blizzard should probably flip the switches on their servers to the ‘fast’ speed option. I think that would fix a lot of problems.

2 hours later and I still haven’t been able to log in…

so you think its “ok” that they dont learn from the past… ok…

Granted I haven’t played all xps (missed 2), but its certainly the most disapointing from those I have played so far.

If you were waiting to play wow when you got home from work, don’t. WoW is unplayable.

The Hindenburg was worse

Ever hear about the Overwatch 2 launch? It was worse.

Ah, c’mon man! This is par for the course. Welcome to launch day.

First time?