Worst Halloween Candy

Tootsie rolls.

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Dishonorable mentions:
-Molasses kisses
-Good and Plenty

And the worst Halloween candy…

Strawberry filled candies :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


I’ll take those little strawberry candies, too, I freakin’ love those.


how are you able to add images to your posts?

Those chocolate bars with nuts in them that get stale really fast and kill children with nut allergies

Anyone with Trust Level 3 can add images/gifs and external links.

Level 2 and below must add a ` to the beginning and end of links that aren’t wowhead, youtube or a blizzard site to post them.

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Dots yeah…but these strawberry candies, we gonna fight.

trust levels? How do i get trust levels

zombie skittle

That…actually looks interesting. Might have to get some post-halloween sale candy corn and try that out.


You can read more about trust levels here:

Just scroll down to the section in the first post about them.

There’s additional information (how to find out your own Trust Level) here, as well -


Friends this thread is about bad candy not internet profiles. Carry on.

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How dare you

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Sorry for the off topic comments, I can’t ignore when someone asks :frowning:

How come no one’s complained about getting those little tubes of toothpaste yet? Those are like the kid version of getting a religious pamphlet disguised as cash for a tip.


It was for people like those we always carried a couple of eggs with us.


You basically have to hang out on the forums and post a lot.

Do that for a few months straight and you can post pictures and all kinds of fun links.

Good N Plenty


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hey I like good n plenty’s… its taffy in any form , and granola bars of ANY type that always gave me the Charlie Brown moment …“I got a rock” …

Candy corn.

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So I’m weird, because I like chocolate just fine, and while I’m no peanut butter fanatic, I definitely don’t mind it…but mix the two together and it’s gonna be a no from me, dawg. Meanwhile, I’m also one of the rare ones you hear about that actually likes candy corn. :man_shrugging:t2: