very curious. last lobby this healer told me that i needed to “press youre buttons bro!” even though there was no button left to press smdh
Kill X target.
I was the healer
you friggin
To stop lining the healer and to use a defensive. The nerve of some people
This happened a week ago in shuffle on my enhance. I probably have a screenshot.
BM + Enhance vs Frost Mage + Arms
The bm hunter to me… “Let’s go arms.” I protested. He refused to go mage and went warrior. We lost.
Not the worst, but hot damn are people bad at picking targets.
to be fair warrior is always the right target. its a below average spec atm
“train frost mage”
yeah bro, let me waddle towards the frost mage all game lmao.
In this instance, it’s just me and hunter getting cleaved and it’s as hard to stay on the warrior as it would be on the mage. Far easier to just CC the warrior and ignore them and make the most use of both our offensive dispels on the mage. The mage was allowed to free cast with no pressure and did about double the damage of everyone.
Warriors are fine.
You picked the target that has 20 blinks, 30 shields, 2 ice blocks, alter time, 8000 roots that can run behind pillar and nova your pets
Over a tunnel vision chimp you can bait behind a pillar and kill because they only have one defensive
Then you say other people have bad target calls smh
BM Hunters were a mistake
Don’t port (on my lock) vs dk/war/bm lobby.
Worse shuffle advice? Telling Mele to chase Dracthyr lol.
It’s a Mage vs a BM with an enhance and a disc. We had 3 offensive dispels and MD. If we go warrior, I’m getting slowed and cleaved by both the mage and the warrior. Leaving the mage unchecked means they are free to CC and do damage. Meanwhile, the warrior can stick on the hunter while ALSO making distance on me.
Imagine not going on a mage with 3 offensive dispels. No alter. No shields. Just eating damage the entire game. But sure, let’s all get cleaved by the warrior and let the mage free cast. Genius. Again, we lost going on the warrior.
Also, it’s a BM. They can kite the warrior. The hunter can fully cc the warrior. Every scatter if needed. OR just pull the warrior los. Trap. Then root off the trap. You can take the warrior out of the game. If we’re both on the warrior, every root breaks and half our potential CC is gone.
Bro, u always kill mage. Letting a mage cc healer for free is a loss. U can burn through 2 blocks ezpz.
“for free”… if only you had wind shear, silencing shot, scorpid sting (he was with enhance shaman) grounding totem, hex, scatter, binding, lasso to stop them
I was the enhance. Scorpid sting? I’m using grounding and shears to stop cc. Pressuring the mage stops cc as well. Regardless, letting the mage free cast allowed them to go off. Far easier for us to just kite and ignore the warrior while controlling the mage. Meanwhile the warrior has plenty of tools to shutdown my damage… reflect, disarm, fears, etc. All of those I can ignore if I’m not on him. Weird how that works.
Half of those don’t trigger fast enough to stop a sheep. And poly has no cd so he always recast 2 seconds after.
yeah so im willing to bet you were on the mage and the hunter was on the warrior and why it failed. Its much easier to kill a warrior as BM than a frost mage because frost mage can nova/ring/root/slow pets and line behind pillar. They can outrange purge. You can’t really stop their damage because most of it is instant cast. If they start casting you both have ranged interrupts, scorpid, grounding, etc.
Frost mage is the best boosting spec right now because noobs thinks they are a free kill, then they basically just tank and stall out games until high damp with all their slows/double iceblock and healer defensives rotated. If you go the other target while kicking/CCing mage they can’t peel because most of their CC will break to aoe.
I’m not exactly clear how the warrior can’t fear or disarm you if you are not on him, is he afk? He can also reflect trap, bladestorm, has 2 charges and leap so how is he completely out of the game? lol
Warriors have 1 crappy defensive, thats not an immunity, and get absolutely murdered by bleeds. They are the easiest kill for BM Hunter, especially if you can bait them to outrange their healer
If you letting a mage or lock free cast dam and cc u doing it wrong.
I was on the warrior.
Imagine BM not going on a mage. Most busted spec in the game last week and even still. Scorpid? What… What are you referring to?
Here we go…
My dude, just stick to w/e it is you do.