Worse Than WOD - Three Words I Never Thought I'd Say

The damage is already done

It’s hope that things get better.

But I’m really tired of the franchise at this point and seriously considering dropping it for good.

I like that idea. It turns out BFA was all a vision of a possible future from Magni and Azeroth. Then we get a short quest to go stab Sylvanas in the eye and throw her into the fires of Blackrock Mountain. Both the horde and alliance gather around to watch the banshee queen burn, preventing us from having to experience the events of BFA.


Unless everything during BFA was actually a dream… (plays X Files theme song).


“Mom can we have ‘Warlords of Draenor?’”

“We already have ‘Warlords of Draenor’ at home”

‘Warlords of Draenor at Home’: Battle for Azeroth


And to think I was trying to predict 8.3 would tie up all loose ends of the narrative, lol.

Hire me to write this crap, Blizzard.

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I’ve kind of given up on the whole storyline like we have had in the past. This xpac had a ton of story but all going in so many directions. Like giving a bunch of toddlers a lot of crayons and wallspace and letting them go crazy.

I’m not actually not enjoying the game but rather logging in out of habit. A great way to lose time but no real immersion.



Or the show Lost.


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you actually made really good points in here. Not like others that complain about the current state of the game, and everything in the past was better but they dont realize that most of the features that they dont like were present in the past lol.

You actually gave good reasons why the game isnt that good anymore nowadays.

the game needs:

  • pvp vendors and conquest gear
  • If you want to do high end game raiding, gear must be the only barrier, not rank 3 essences or artifacts or HoA lvls
  • New combat system, (make kill a mob fun again, so players wont focus only on the reward)
  • undone this GCD nonsense.
  • new warlocks

The only way BfA can be salvaged, is if it is a part of a larger plot story. So many loose threads!

At this point my guess is ALL OF AZEROTH, will get pulled into the shadowlands, and they will set off the Uldum Re-Origination Nuke, allowing Blizzard to “reset” Azeroth, we will be at at lower character levels, we can forget about all the previous expansion changes/ zoning, and we can start fresh.

Otherwise we will eventually be going to Void Azeroth, or even New Azeroth, as our previous world will be destroyed as It births a Titan!?!

Yeah. We didn’t even solve the giant sword issue, and they are sending us to shadowlands next expac.

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Pfftt. It’s just a giant sword. Do you go to hospital every time you get stabbed? Or do you leave it in for a few expansions, before you get it taken care of. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?


Yeah, you are right. Silly me for overracting over such a small thing xD.

Maybe it will be in the pre-quests for the next expansion?
We come to find out the Gnomes and Goblins work together due to the peace and make a theme park out of it.
Crazy but stranger things have happened.


i don’t expect to see any significant tying up of loose ends at this point. they appear to have run out of time and/or resources for 8.3 (no 8.3.5?) and they are trying to keep the hamster wheel spinning until shadowlands.

this xpac will be remembered for forcing players to do content they didn’t want to do or even liked in the slightest. no matter what the devs think, players who like keys, don’t want to raid or pvp, pvp players don’t want to do the other stuff, etc. etc.

also for not making anything resembling alt-friendly content a reality.

I have truly never seen pvp in such an awful state as it was in BFA.

What an absolute clown fiesta.


So bad in fact that they had to release an over decade old game to save the ship from sinking.


What’s sad is this game has proven it can be worse than its worst, which all of us said it can’t do. I can’t imagine it being worse than it’s worst than it’s worst (did I say that right?) but it will probably happen in shadowlands. It feels largely uninspired and I have as much hype as I did for bfa.

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BfA simple had the worst lore and worst class design EVER

i don’t care if wod was scrapped and had nothing much, what had was good/fun, pvp was fun, the class design was decent, the gearing was good, the raids were damn fun

And BfA is just the worse, its a mop rehashed story but just dumpsterfire

they should have ended in 8.2

wod had a good premise, but bad, real bad execution, Grom as supposed to be villain and redeemed but the expansion being scrapped just spoil things.

BfA was faded to fail from the scratch, the moment they have killed both Garrosh and Varian before, because they wanted to make MOP better

Battle for Azeroth? more like Bad Fanfic Amirite?

Ill disagree with it being “good” but at least WoD had a story structure to it. BfA is akin to the disaster that is the new star wars trilogy, they fired from the hip and were making it up as it went along.