Worse Than WOD - Three Words I Never Thought I'd Say

I never thought we’d get here, but yeah, I’m pretty sure BFA is worse than WOD. Not only am I barely playing, but when I do, I don’t have much fun. And I always had fun in WOD. There just wasn’t enough of it.

And what makes it so disappointing to say BFA is worse, is that 8.2 gave me a glimmer of hope for the game, only for the hope to crater into a smoldering ruin in 8.3. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say I’ve enjoyed 8.3 the least out of any patch I can remember.

Even as much as the selfie camera patch sucked, I was still busy doing arenas (and buying pvp gear from a vendor), RBGs, garrisons, and raids during that patch.

In BFA 8.3? Oh, you want to do arenas? Better run mythics first, grind your heart to max, and get the right essences. Want to do mythics? Hah. Better have your heart maxed out, your essences at rank 3, vastly out gear the mythic, and have your cloak upgraded. It sure is fun spending all my limited time doing chores in the hopes of getting into the content I actually want to do. Great design.

I know some people may disagree, but with patch 8.3 here, I’m pretty sure unless the raid is the best we’ve ever see, BFA is worse than WOD. And that’s shocking.


As the quote is being passed around…

“Who writes this crap” - Goregroth’s wife


I can’t decide which one is worse.

I care about lore the most, so I’m judging story mostly.

WoD had a terrible premise and a horrible ending (“Draenor is free!”, and everyone cheers the genocidal maniac).

BfA started with a bang, but ended with a whimper. The supposed main theme of faction war was abandoned quickly, the main culprit of everything got out and we had to deal with an Old God as replacement villain, a confrontation without proper build up that felt anything but climactic.

But both expansions had some bright spots in leveling, and BfA’s max level story was actually quite good up to patch 8.1., before it got totally derailed.

I can’t decide which one is worse. I’m certainly more frustrated now than by WoD’s end, but that’s partially because I never wanted to see something as bad as WoD again, so this time it’s doubly infuriating.


I might be judging BFA more harshly because the problems with WOD at least made sense. It was widely know they ran into problems and had to scrap a lot, but what they made was really good.

BFA on the other hand had so many bad systems and ideas and they had plenty of time to make it. There were no reports of major problems or other issues. This is them doing their best and it’s pretty awful. Though I do admit to enjoying the leveling.


I’m baffled by how bad the story is. It lacks even narrative structure. There’s no main theme, the plot changes as the expansion goes, the main characters are replaced midway, the villains are swapped. This is not even amateurish writing, it’s a storytelling disaster.

But I can’t ever forgive WoD for being based on time-traveling to an alternate universe. I just can’t understand who thought that would be a good idea.


WoD was like a cake compared to BFA’s last week mossy bread.


But they retcon something every expac, do they not?

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Yes, and that often pisses me off. But sometimes the retcon can be good.

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Yeah, I agree that some retcons can be good for the story, but the lore here is awful.
Constant contradictions, making characters make stupid decisions, retcons here and there, devices conveniently ignored for the “story”, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, but i can’t understand how can someone care about the story anymore.

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This whole Xpac should be retcon-ed


That would be a good retcon.


The damage is already done

It’s hope that things get better.

But I’m really tired of the franchise at this point and seriously considering dropping it for good.

I like that idea. It turns out BFA was all a vision of a possible future from Magni and Azeroth. Then we get a short quest to go stab Sylvanas in the eye and throw her into the fires of Blackrock Mountain. Both the horde and alliance gather around to watch the banshee queen burn, preventing us from having to experience the events of BFA.


Unless everything during BFA was actually a dream… (plays X Files theme song).


“Mom can we have ‘Warlords of Draenor?’”

“We already have ‘Warlords of Draenor’ at home”

‘Warlords of Draenor at Home’: Battle for Azeroth


And to think I was trying to predict 8.3 would tie up all loose ends of the narrative, lol.

Hire me to write this crap, Blizzard.

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I’ve kind of given up on the whole storyline like we have had in the past. This xpac had a ton of story but all going in so many directions. Like giving a bunch of toddlers a lot of crayons and wallspace and letting them go crazy.

I’m not actually not enjoying the game but rather logging in out of habit. A great way to lose time but no real immersion.



Or the show Lost.


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you actually made really good points in here. Not like others that complain about the current state of the game, and everything in the past was better but they dont realize that most of the features that they dont like were present in the past lol.

You actually gave good reasons why the game isnt that good anymore nowadays.

the game needs:

  • pvp vendors and conquest gear
  • If you want to do high end game raiding, gear must be the only barrier, not rank 3 essences or artifacts or HoA lvls
  • New combat system, (make kill a mob fun again, so players wont focus only on the reward)
  • undone this GCD nonsense.
  • new warlocks