Worried about 10.0

probably more systems…

thats what resume world of warcraft for a while

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D4 is definitely shaping up from an artistic standpoint.

If they don’t screw up the game design it should be great. Just rip everything from D2 and you’re gold.

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Oh wow, I missed this somehow.


…I fail to see how this means WoW is dead according to OP.

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Does it matter?

Whatever we do in Shadowlands will stay in shadowlands.

Just like all the previous expansions since Wrath of the Lich King.

Heart of Azeroth, Legiondaries, Conduits, etc… etc… all go POOF.

WoW has become a rinse and re-color MMO.

Sorry trying to blame the problem at Blizz on the pandemic just doesn’t work. It’s just not a good excuse. Also Activision is the only company that lost 30% of it’s player base during the pandemic and over 50% from WoW while other companies numbers went up.

Just looking at everything and calling it as I see it. If they had anything great in the works they would have a Blizzcon and be excited to announce it. They don’t though. WoW isn’t the most popular MMO anymore and they are faced with it’s greatest challenges.

Time to call it and have SL be the last expansion. It was a good run.

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That seems a little harsh. To me, everyone’s got a no-strings get-out-of-jail free card for the past year.

Let me be clear. Using Covid as an excuse when it’s not the reason isn’t being harsh. It’s a cop out excuse to blame their failures on that which is wrong because Covid had nothing to do with it. That is what they are doing.

They made a lot of mistakes and are shifting the blame. This is the reality and also why there are a lot and I mean a lot of problem at Blizz internally.


Doubtful and you might not get any info then. There is zero guarantees that 10.0 will be out in 2022. You’ll probably see some info on 9.2 and 9.2.5 like they’ve done in the past. At the current rate, expect 10.0 around Q4 2023.

So quickly? WOW :smirk:

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I mean you can for sure expect a new system that will be broken. Good news however, it will be fixed right around the time a new system comes out.


I never forgot the promise of an expansion every 2 years several blizzcons ago.

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What expansion didn’t have this?

My point exactly …
I’d like to see some progress, not the same thing just different paint since I started in Legion.

WoW brings them record profits, active players have been increasing over the past three months, and it’s the #1 mmo in the world.

But yeah, let’s just cut it loose because people on GD said it’s failing.

Wrong the lore books brings in record profits and are up 80% and is stabilizing the fact the game is doing poorly.

Wrong, people came back for TBC which was rushed because they were scared of Ashes and a lot of people including myself have now unsubbed due to them messing up TBC and the constant bad Retail changes to it.

Wrong it was passed by FF and the trend between WoW and FF are worlds apart. WoW lost over 50% of it’s playerbase during the pandemic while FF has set new records. With a lack luster 9.1 and FF dominating the market right now. Things aren’t looking good at all.

It is undeniable that FF has literally all the momentum and is the most popular MMO right now as literally ALL the big WoW streamers are now playing FF and streaming that game at record numbers. Blizz is doing everything wrong while other games are just doing it right.

It is failing on every level and if you objectively look at what is going on anyone can see that. If you disagree you are just blind to everything that has happened and not being very observant.

This .1 patch is the largest .1 patch in the history of WoW, but sure, if you say so.

I think Blizzard is now a wait and see before you buy type developer. Unless something major changes ill be coming back to scratch a classic itch and maybe do some catch ups for the rest of SL. Not sure but ill probably wait for 10.0 and jump in after the first major patch if its decently received.

Really i just want to come back after theyve figured out what kind of game this is and/or how to make mmorpgs again. No one would have stuck around for TBC back in the day if your progress playing vanilla was metered to 5 levels a week like SL is.

More then likely we will just get a name and may if we are luckily a video.
I don’t even see it coming out until maybe around May or June of 2023, i know that’s a very long time but when it takes them 6+ months to just make a patch…yeah good luck on a xpack.

longest it ever took to get a .1 patch out. Literally the longest. Also it still isn’t ready and is rushed. There is no other way to look at this than seeing that they are struggling to get content out. Longest content drought in history after an expansion. They are struggling hard. Just call it for what it is.

Also the reason why it was sooo difficult goes back to the fact the CORE game is so bad and these convoluted systems they are trying to build the game on. They did this to themselves and they were warned in early Alpha about these mistakes and bad systems. They didn’t listen like usual. Super detached from the playerbase.