Worried about 10.0

Any chance we get something in the way of details before Blizzconline?

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First week of the patch just launched. What’re you worried about?

Blizzcon/line isn’t until early 2022, which is 6+ months away. Bit early to think of next expac?


Oh geez no.
They probably just have rough frame work of some core ideas on the expansion if at best. Blizzconline 2022 will PROBABLY give you some insight on 10.0 or a name at the very least with some ideas in direction.

With Ion and the analytics brigade at the helm, I have a feeling 10 will disappoint me. I gave 'em a few chances but it’s clear they have other ways in mind to do their cheap open world and rehashed instanced content.


10.0 might be WoW going free to play with a sub option. Kinda like Star Wars. The sub gives you perks.


Expansions are always big stage reveals so no not likely. I know some are feeling doomy about SL, but we’re only in the first major patch. 10.0 is still very far away.

By Blizzcon we’ll be in 9.2 so that’s a good time to go ahead and talk about the future.


Here is the upcoming expansion schedule
10.0 orderlands
11.0 lifeland
12.0 lightlands
13.0 voidlands
14.0 dissorderlands

The order might not be right but betting were getting a reskinned shadowlands for the next 5 expansions


Regardless of the poor state of SL, WoW is far from that as a reality.

SL will be the last expansion. I suspect that 9.2 will be 2022. I think they might update it and then do a 9.3 taking SL into 2023. However they are just going to then do WotLK Classic and live off D2 and old games. This version of WoW had a good run.

During this time they will be working on new projects and have heavy stock in D4 and likely will work on the next MMO. Whether it is WoW 2 or not no idea let be serious at some point they need to end this version of WoW no better time then now at it’s worst. However something has to happen as the ideas at Blizz have ruined the last several expansions every step of the way.

I originally thought SL being the last expansion was only a 10% chance but with how things have gone recently Imma bump that up too 40% chance SL is the last people get and well makes sense since it’s a dumpsterfire and they need to figure out how to make a good game again.


expansions used to be planned 10 years ahead back when metzen was around

now they just cobble together whatever comes out of their … and make it an expansion. shadowlands definitely was not planned in legion or even bfa


Everyone should be worried since a lot of it will be worked on “from home.” And we’ve seen how well they’ve done so far working from home.


That may explain my doubts of liking 10.0 :fearful: lol

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It’s not like they made a good expansion recently from Blizz HQ either. So working from home is irrelevant when the leadership and Devs are full of bad ideas with an extreme detachment from it’s playerbase.

The fact is they just don’t know how to make a good game. Period.


Which is such a bs excuse. Working from home didn’t result in the horrible systems we have in SLs. Those systems had to be discussed, explored and finally approved before any developer started working on them.

Yeah i feel that too. ATP i’m even afraid they come back to Azeroth because of their current storytelling could screp up the old world lore.


Ok, OP. I asked my source and he said he can only give me a bit of info. 10.0 will be World of Warcraft: Ducks Unlimited. It will finally unleash the long absent birds into Azeroth and it will be up to us to fight off the feathery hordes of their life long enemies the Geese.

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Yup, I see ''Holy shoot, potential!"

quickly check who is working on it and what they’ve done to date

‘‘Yeah well that didn’t age well’’ lol

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Whoa, cool insight. Source?

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I mean we have to talk about the elephant in the room right? Lets look at everything that has happened recently and at some point there does in fact need to be a “Last Expansion”

Blizzcon was cancelled because they have nothing to announce. They are struggling to even make content for SL because of how bad the core game is. Lets face it Classic and D2 are keeping Blizz afloat right now. The best thing they got going is old games. They realize this. They can ride the wave of WotLK Classic and D2 then work on D4 and a new MMO. It makes perfect sense.

This is a business and sometimes you got to cut out what is hemorrhaging and work on a new product instead. Honestly they got a lot to do but why not work on a new MMO or WoW 2 and have it ready for 2024. It’s time and the business execs at HQ might see it too and make a business decision.

Honestly I see only benefits right now of making SL the last expansion. As for a new expansion all their eggs are in D4 right now. That is their focus and honestly it should be. That is why they just released tons of vids and info on D4.

I don’t see 10.0 happening. I see 9.2 in 2022 and 9.3 in 2023 then maybe they do 9.4 ish… At least we got Classic, D2 and then D4

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Geese are a menace. I probably won’t be playing in 10.0 but if I do end up coming back, I’m siding with the Ducks. Death to the Geese!

But…BlizzCon wasn’t canceled…what are you talking about?