Worldsoul Memories x5 are bugged

Hopefully in response to this/a thread/report about insufficient coffer keys being distributed.

Would be nice if we could see some sort of refund, as it’s basically enough for 1 key for a 600 ilvl piece.

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i tried 1 more today with 5 thinking it couldnt happen again well it did, great now ive used 15 echos and got like 90 coffer shards __

Same issue here. 5x radiant echo used, 700+ points in the 5 minutes, only received 36 coffer shards. Ticket response was auto generated nothing to do with the bug.


Hahaha, same on the “nothing to do with the bug” bit. And riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, too.

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This was my experience too. Most people in the raid got 225 shards, and I ended up with 36 along with 3 others.

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Same issue with about 800 points in a raid group, with a few people including myself ending up with 36 shards while the rest got upwards of 227

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Also had this issue. 35 shards when using 5x Radiant Echoes with a score of over 600 points.

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Same issue and I’ve done some testing, my Monk got 179 for 400 points, and then 35 for 600 points, both with 5 man groups. My warrior got 180 for his first, 35 for his second and 141 for his third. The first and third run for my warrior were with 4 people, while his second was with a raid. I thought it might have been some weird weekly thing that blizzard just didn’t mention anywhere, but since my warriors shard went up on the third one it must just be bugged, and its definitely not specific to doing it in a raid group.

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why is it always 36? i also had this 36 shard bug

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Same issue here. Got a score of 490 and rewarded with around 30. Logged a ticket. AI response, GM response to log it as a bug. Why don’t they fix it instead.


Got a ticket response from what is maybe a real person, as follows:

"After carefully checking through your account and ticket, I need you to submit the in-game bug report so our Devs can gather more data here! Now we don’t have the report from the Devs that any action needs to be taken so we are not able to give you any Coffer Key Shards.

I understand you really need Coffer Key Shards but wish you understand we are not able to generate Coffer Key Shards from nowhere."

I’m assuming that “Now we don’t have the report from the Devs that any action needs to be taken” means that until there’s enough bug reports for it we won’t see anything.

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I too got screwed over by this event trying to get more bang for my buck doing the x5 with no reward at the end. I did this twice and put a ticket into blizzard and was told “We currently do not have any qorkaround to provide here, so all I can recommend is for you to perform a UI reset and disable addons. Keep in mind that Customer Support is unable to provide Radiant Echoes back, I am truly sorry.” Please report this as a bug in the in-game menu. That is the best way to get this fixed as this repost is sent directly to the Development team. Keep in mind that you will not recieve a response from this incident but I can assure you that it is being reviewed.

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I got this response today after my 36 shards from 5x echos and over 700 points.

, it seems you may be experiencing an aspect of the game not working as intended. We aren’t currently aware of any reports similar to yours so I urge you to submit a bug report so our developers can take a look at it. You can do so at<> />
This allows us to better gather all reports and see the impact of the issue on a greater scale.

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us, In the future if you have any other issue or question please feel free to reach out to us again.

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I got a response, and it looks like they are aware of the bug. Im hoping once they figure it out well just get refunded what we should have gotten? Dunno.

Blizzards Response:
I can understand you’re having an issue with radiant echos rewards, and I can understand how frustrating the situation can be from one gamer to another facing the same issue and I’d be more than glad to look into it for you.

After taking a look I’ve found that there’s a current bug causing this issue that our developers are looking into it at the moment,that has been also reported by several players.

In the meantime, your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. Your effort to report the issue via the provided links will help ensure it’s addressed promptly by our developers. we also will keep you updated when the issue is resolved and we also recommend that you check our forums as fellow players are discussing the issue there:

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same first time i was like ergg what an annoying bug so i did another and it happened again, i got double screwed =(

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happened to me twice today, prolly gonna skip these things from now on waste of time

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