Worldsoul Memories x5 are bugged

Hello, I was doing a Worldsoul Memory with my friend because we no longer had keys for bountifuls and i had x6 Randiant Echoes on my inventory, so I told her to do a x5 Worldsoul Memory. We finished the memory with over 100 score on the x5 and the rewards were x250-ish valorstones and x26 Coffer Key shards. Then we did a x1 Memory cuz I had one left and the valorstones were correctly downgraded to x51 but not the coffer key shards, i got x27 shards…even more than in the x5!!. Either the x1memory is giving us too much shards or the x5 memory is giving us too little in comparison to the x1, please check out.


Yes, wanting to confirm this as I experienced it and submitted a ticket. Left with nothing but an AI response.

I had x10 Radiant Echo(es) and used x5 twice this morning.
I believe I have received an insufficient amount of Coffer Key Shards, as I completed one Worldsoul Memory, achieving above 500 memory points and received an insufficient amount(under 40 iirc?) whilst on my second Worldsoul Memory, I achieved under 500 memory points but received 179 Coffer Key Shards.

I was just about to post this thread too. Glad, but also not glad somebody has experienced this.


OMG! x5 twice? that’s even worse… I’m sorry to hear that :frowning: hope they do something about it ASAP


Yeah— so, the first run I got less coffer key shards but achieved more memory points than my second run when I achieved less memory points but received more coffer key shards.

I don’t understand how or why it happened.


I have also eperienced this. Completed two x5 worldsouls in a row, first one rewarding about 220 key shards and the second only giving 36. Would like to know if there is a cap on the amount one can get from this in a day or if this is actually a bug.


this happend to me also twice i used 2x 5 radiant echos twice in a group everyone got 180+ and i got like 36

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I used x5Radiant Echoes and didnt receive Valorstones or Coffer Key Shards. I opened a ticket, I hope I get some sort of response.

it did consume my Radiant Echoes…


same spent 5 this morning got 350+ valor and 192 coffer on x5 world soul event. This evening spent another 5 only got 61 valor and 35 coffer I put in a ticket as this is bs

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same put in a ticket I just want a refund of 4 radiant shards since it clearly gave me rewards as though I only spent one


bumping until they reply

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Did a x5 with 2 friends, they were alliance I was horde. Everything seemed fine, we all had the same score (335) and entered at the same time (within a couple seconds)
But look at what they got compared to what I got, and to confirm I double checked my items, and yep, I had infact used 5, from 9 to 4.
imgur. com/o0TEHiI.png

I contacted support and they told me to post on here.


Out of curiosity, did you guys do the same memory that you did earlier in the day when you experienced this issue? Wondering if the bug is tied to some sort of daily flag on each event, which of course shouldn’t matter but could nonetheless be a problem Blizz needs to fix.

My personal experience has never surfaced this bug. I’ve done two x5 and three Radiant Discord sets of memories, and all gave me full rewards even if I did two on the same day (as they were two different ones).

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Happened to me, I had done that memory several days prior but that was the first time I did that memory that day.

Other people in the Raid were also complaining about this occurring, but it didnt happen to everyone (as seen by the chat log showing rewards).

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What about groups? Has everyone that’s experienced this been attempting it in a party or raid group? All of mine have been solo as well.

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Just happened to me as well in a raid.

Not sure if it is related, but the timer expired and I didn’t get rewards right away. A new 5 minute timer then started and I got immediately kicked out and got the small amount of rewards.

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Also happened to me. Blizzard needs to disable the 5x one until this is fixed and refund anyone who wasted theirs on this.

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This happened to me yesterday. The zone was very very laggy and at the end it looked like the timer reset to 5 min before finishing. I’d guess that there’s an issue with poor performance of servers and failing to recognize you used 5x radiant echoes…

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First ever one I had done on that charecter.

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Just did the x5 and had over 700pts in and got 36 shards. Did this in a group of 20 and many others in the group got over 200.

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Not the same but related, is there a reason why I don’t even have the option to use x5 or x10? The only option available is x1 despite having 12 in my inventory.

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