World Server Down

Ulduar went live and what not, maint. went on until around 8 or 9 est time. When it finally came up and you could log in servers were very unstable and constantly kicking people off. Couldn’t load into dungeons/raids as it said something along the lines of instance not available or you’ve entered too many instances. Lag was outrageous and I do believe they eventually took servers back offline for a day or so due to the server instability if I remember correctly. Plus I think the issues went on for a couple days after even.


Better be extended or imma gonna mail the Blizzard server techs some opened cans of Surströmming. ;0

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I’m with the rest of these folks. Calm down, hell, this is the vanilla/tbc memories. Long queue times, waiting and waiting to play. We’re all gonna pony up the money, and we know it. Go make dinner. :wink:


When we all get back in all of our bodies no matter where we were when the servers went down will now be in SW and Org spelling out wowgold . drp or something similar


I’m here…to be here.

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Blizzard is not being faithful to the original vanilla experience if this comes up before 11. I expect to be increasingly angry as I try to login without success for the next 4 hours, complaining to my guildmates in Ventrilo until I finally give up and go to bed. Then I expect to wake up tomorrow to hear that my guild got in at midnight and beat the boss and I missed the loot… or I’m going to need my money back, Blizzard.


me too my friend, me too

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Dwarfs unite!

For Khaz MODAN!

youtubes is down as well

Boy, you’re a cheeky one! :joy:

Seems like they broke the queue system. Servers full but instead of using a queue everyone gets booted. A little blue post would help ease the tension.

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Oh login boss how could I have forgotten you?

Its The Wowpocalypse!!

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Yo it keeps telling me that the World servers are down, is the restart still happening?

The lack of communication is frustrating


I tried all the servers non get past “world server is down” shows


glares You’re not a dwarf.

Who is suprised? If you played during vanilla, this is nothing new. Who else remembers Blizzard expanding server downtimes to 3pm, or 5pm? Just relax, do your chores, make dinner, walk the dog, all will be fine soon.


how do you guys even login - is it straight from “world of warcraft : classic” or is it “world of warcraft : classic Beta” - or PTR or ?