World Server Down

To the scantily clad Night Elf in Goldshire, I’M SORRY. I really didn’t ghost on you. Wait in the inn for 5 more minutes. It’s all I need.

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reinstall the game. it works.

If I am not mistaken, the server message said this would be brief and that logging back in wouldn’t take long now that que’s have died down :slight_smile: I suppose im mistaken, or being shunned for picking a druid to start with. Shoulda done a lock :frowning:


Hell yeah! We crashed it lol

I’m using this time to figure out how all my characters look. (yes, I can do this for 3 of them on the character naming convention, but I want to have more than 3 chars)

eu servers are working smh

Blizzard wasn’t prepared for this! Not at all. But it is funny how a lot of streamers are able to just get right in…


World of Warcraft classic

ok so that’s an hr of wow classic I cant play really? cant ya just write down what to fix and fix it tomorrow when ya wont let me play it?

Well it is down, Blizzard gives us Hot Fixes while private servers get DDOS’ed by other servers Yeah just a good time to read forums.

They are prepared. This is a stress test and they are changing things and working on it and

there are NO streamers on right now except EU.

Im watching a streamer playing right now :frowning: SMH

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I can create characters, but can’t go beyond that point - no matter which server I try or which faction - I get World Server Down

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Eh, uh, /wave ?

no they are not. its the third stress test and we can’t just log…


Classic is the future of WoW they need to get more hamsters on that wheel.


Bliz is not prepared


Asmond, Esfand, and Staysafe are all sitting looking at the same loading bar we all are.


i tried reinstalling as someone in this thread suggested and it has not helped. i think its definatly the world servers.