World Server Down. Unstuck service not working

I was doing a timewalking Court of Stars dungeon before getting logged off due to the server reset. When I went to log in next it said that ‘The world server was down’, however I could find myself logging into all my other characters. I tried the unstuck services which all failed, saying the issue was resolved. I then went to try the unstuck on a different character which worked and now have been locked out off again. I have been unable to submit a ticket and am now coming here, hoping someone sees!

If the character unstuck self-help option is not working, please submit a ticket here.


Same here. Still waiting for help

Same here, this character was in court of stars, get world server down.

And did you file a ticket if the self help tool didn’t work?


Thank you for the link, everything I clicked prior just sent me around in circles. Ticket has been submitted.