World Server Down issues in Outland zones on Remulos

Just posting in here to repeat to Blizzard that the Outland zones on the Remulos server are messed up. If your toon is logged off in one of them, you are unable to log on, and get a “World Server is Down” message. Other toons in other zones are fine.

Im posting this here as it was posted in the Tech Support channel hours ago by several people, without any kind of response from Blizzard. Just an acknowledgement of the problem would be nice.


Having the exact same issue with one of my toons stuck in Nagrand.

same issue but im on netherstorm,. try to fix with doing the steps but i still have same issue.

Yeah same here. I started 2 months ago and now my main is stuck.

What if i sign up for a year’s worth of subscription then they take 3 months to fix this? Lol. Given the current climate, this scenario is not unrealistic.

Same here, have done scan & repair and a complete reinstall. Other toons in other zones no problem.

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Yup I reported it last night nearly 15 hours ago now, yet i see that the troubles on retail were fixed pretty quickly, it’s not surprising that people think classic is abandoned, there is an obvious disconnect between the “service” we receive.
Make sure you all get on twitter to @cs and let them know as well.

Yup same here. Mage stuck in Netherstorm.

All of Outland is down. Can’t go through the dark portal in blasted lands on other toons.

Also having problems. Sent a bug report and now my character is dejectedly waiting outside the portal, lost and alone. :cry:

I also have a toon that is stuck in Netherstorm.

Same here. Character stuck in HFP.
The “Move Character” service does nothing.

Yep same here. My priest is stuck after going through the portal to Shattrath from Dalaran. Flew over to Honor Hold while alt tabbed only to realize as I got there.

No NPCs, buggy movement, couldn’t even hearth out as it was on CD. Stupid me for logging out I guess. It’s been close to 20 hours with no response since I logged a support ticket. Not only that I can’t open my current tickets with support either. It’s as if they have been magically lost in the ether.

Just started doing Naxx 25, so I guess im not playing for 2 weeks. I can log onto my Alt in Stormwind… shows i have a ticket open. Average wait time… 14days 11hours. What a joke.

Like many others here have suggested. Do not bother trying the ‘recommended’ steps to resolve the issue. Move character service doesn’t work. Resetting the Cache, Interface and WTF folders don’t work either.

Some sort of notice or confirmation that our characters / accounts aren’t playable or even potentially lost would be nice.

Happening to me as well (Remulos). Cannot log into characters in Nagrand, and any attempt to fly anywhere outside of Shatt on other toons ends in failure “Transfer Aborted, instance not found” errors. No issues in any zone in Azeroth or Northrend, so it appears to be something to do with the Outland servers.

Same issue for me

He isnt alone there is heaps in there :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is us still waiting after 16ish hours for even a reply and yet, the DF servers get it sorted within an hour

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Definitely not limited to Remulos. I’m getting this on Arugal in the DK starting zone on my DK that I stacked with all my Herilooms. Typically I’d just remake the character except it’s got like 150ish badges worth of herilooms on it.

Unable to use the unstuck service too. Went to go make a ticket but then realized the average ETA nowadays is like a month+. Thanks again Blizz for continuing to exceed expectations

Yes, same issue for me. My toon is stuck in Hellfire Peninsula and i get the “World Server is Down” message. Very frustrating as this is the only toon I have in Classic. I have raised a support ticket but the auto message says the average wait time is 41 days (I sincerely hope that isnt true!)

Me too, cant log onto my toon - tried the “unstuck” feature but it failed.

Ah, yes, ‘Oceania’. Otherwise known as ‘beta servers’.

I’m sorry, Remulos brothers and sisters. I hope Blizzard fixes this soon.


Update from a mate - He’s logged in Shattrath just fine. Watched him over Discord.

I tried again, no dice. Seems to be a layer issue. Well guess I’ll be back in a few days if I’m still going to play or not lol.