World’s End Tavern Lounge #161

I will never share personal !@#$ again here or in bnet….

So how is everyone's Halloween going? :D

*sunshine and balloons and ponies and bunnies*

10/31/2018 03:40 AMPosted by Shalorel
I just pour my !@#$ing heart out over something going in with me in a lengthy post to share with my friends and I get...

not from me.

One of our mutual friends follows the older tradition of Samhain - just wanted to wish them good this holiday too

Not running away from ya
10/31/2018 03:41 AMPosted by Surfgirl
10/31/2018 03:39 AMPosted by Shalorel
So now the negative piece of !@#$, who is me, bringing up all this %^-*ing garbage can leave, so all of you can finally be happy because the miserable mother!@#$er is gone...

Actually I'm out on BT if u need to vent to a friend too this morning

coffee hasn't hit yet so I'm just not fully with it

I !@#$ing hate bnet always have always will...and I'm sorry if I %^-*ed up the lounge by not taking this to bnet…..

*doggy tails cotton candy all manner of cute little happy things*
10/31/2018 03:43 AMPosted by Surfgirl
10/31/2018 03:40 AMPosted by Shalorel
I just pour my !@#$ing heart out over something going in with me in a lengthy post to share with my friends and I get...

not from me.

One of our mutual friends follows the older tradition of Samhain - just wanted to wish them good this holiday too

Not running away from ya

I do too, I'm a Witch in real life...
10/31/2018 03:42 AMPosted by Shalorel
I will never share personal !@#$ again here or in bnet….

I'll keep the door open though.

Solo and hurting can really suck sometimes
Anyway, good bye....

*happy little bunnies*

*pink daffadills*

Those !@#$%^-s who bullied me over in GD Lounge WERE *!@#ING RIGHT ABOUT ME!!!

I should not be allowed around human beings!!!!! EVER!!
10/31/2018 03:45 AMPosted by Shalorel
I do too, I'm a Witch in real life...

A Wiccan? cool.

One of the others in the forum is from the Druid side of the faith.

worked in Salem Massachusetts for a few years, there was a Laurie Cabot there who tried to teach us about your beliefs
10/31/2018 03:46 AMPosted by Surfgirl
Solo and hurting can really suck sometimes

See that's just not true about me. I am most at piece when I away from the world and people. But the nature of this world forces me to deal with you guys. These forums 5 years ago started as an experiement to see if I can sociallize and it's been nothing but failure after failure after failure...experiement needs to !@#$ing end, but I have grown close to a few people around this place so it's hard to leave..
10/31/2018 03:47 AMPosted by Shalorel
Those !@#$%^-s who bullied me over in GD Lounge WERE *!@#ING RIGHT ABOUT ME!!!

GD is not usually right, so I wouldn't bet the farm about it

10/31/2018 03:47 AMPosted by Shalorel
I should not be allowed around human beings!!!!! EVER!!

yeah, the race does seem to be over rated sometimes
10/31/2018 03:48 AMPosted by Surfgirl
10/31/2018 03:45 AMPosted by Shalorel
I do too, I'm a Witch in real life...

A Wiccan? cool.

One of the others in the forum is from the Druid side of the faith.

worked in Salem Massachusetts for a few years, there was a Laurie Cabot there who tried to teach us about your beliefs

Yeah, I know who it is, no secret, she told me over a year ago.
GD is not usually right, so I wouldn't bet the farm about it

Yeah, except they are...right about me...
10/31/2018 03:50 AMPosted by Shalorel
These forums 5 years ago started as an experiement to see if I can sociallize and it's been nothing but failure after failure after failure

Attempting to socialize in GD can be like making hardcore mode your first experience in Diablo, or mythic your first experience at raiding.

That place is rough on friendly peeps
10/31/2018 03:35 AMPosted by Shalorel
10/31/2018 03:29 AMPosted by Beleran
shifting focus to something more positive. i think im gonna get me armor today!

Ok, let's ignore my situation....

Sorry I brought it up, and you don't want to talk about it...

*summons pink cloud*

that's not what i meant i meant me really
10/31/2018 03:52 AMPosted by Shalorel
Yeah, except they are...right about me..

The place that would complain about the chance of papercuts if u gave them a free 100.00 bill, and that would argue the color of an orange just so they could troll people be right......nah

That 's like me getting the lich king mount, the random number chances are so low it usually don't happen
sorry Shalorel didn't mean to sound rude and uncaring there
10/31/2018 03:54 AMPosted by Surfgirl
10/31/2018 03:50 AMPosted by Shalorel
These forums 5 years ago started as an experiement to see if I can sociallize and it's been nothing but failure after failure after failure

Attempting to socialize in GD can be like making hardcore mode your first experience in Diablo, or mythic your first experience at raiding.

That place is rough on friendly peeps

Except that was not the case at all, even ask Aeve and Cyndi, I was extremely liked in that GD Lounge and outside of it as well. Then my own insecurities started picking away at it and issues would come up and I would go all drama queen. At first they were very understanding LIKE YOU ARE NOW then when it's the 100000 time I get like that, people get sick of it so they get quiet. LIKE YOU ALL WILL EVENTUALLY IN ORDER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES.

There is a line at the very very very end of Pink Floyd's The Wall, "After all, it's not easy banging your heart against some mad bugger's Wall." You're understanding right now and maybe for the next dozen times it happens, but you will get tired of banging your hearts against this mad buggers wall just like they did and they should because it can be very frustrating and you all need to take care of yourselves.

So, yes, they are right...
blizzcon hype train
10/31/2018 04:07 AMPosted by Shalorel
you all need to take care of yourselves

lol, can't tell ya how many times Mom's doctors have wanted to prescribe something for me =)

I'm horrible at taking care of myself.

10/31/2018 04:07 AMPosted by Shalorel
At first they were very understanding LIKE YOU ARE NOW then when it's the 100000 time I get like that, people get sick of it so they get quiet

If we assume this is correct

So few good peeps left in the game, would it be ok if I enjoyed the pleasure of your company at least untill then

Only recently met (I usually do no more than an occasional peek in GD), so i figure I'm only on time 3 of 100000

and I watch general hospital and lifetime tv, what makes you think I have something against drama queens in the first place :P
what makes you think I have something against drama queens in the first place :P

well you did befriend me lol the bigest drama queens ever
Aeve, you and I are cool ok? I don't want to leave you hanging. *hugs*

You didn't really do anything wrong, I'm just in a space and anything could have set me off.