World’s End Tavern Lounge #161

*The lounge appears to be themed to the Hallow’s End holiday, since there are lots of decorations and pumpkins full of candy! Don’t forget to bob for apples if you’d like. And beware the headless horseman, “The reckoning has come!”*

Welcome to the spooky (not very) 161 edition of the World’s End Tavern lounge! Lots of tea and coffee to go around, plus the worlds best cookies and dumplings.

Rules are same as always and ensure to enjoy this Hallow’s End!

The previous lounge, which was located in an undisclosed location:

The book of lounge archives!:
*a panther prowls into the lounge and finds a warm spot circling it three times, stretches then lays down*
/tippypaws in
/leaves favorite orc chew toy by panther
/tippypaws out purring
10/25/2018 06:34 PMPosted by Shalorel
*a panther prowls into the lounge and finds a warm spot circling it three times, stretches then lays down*

*stretches in my sleep feels the chew toy and opens an eye*

*looks at the chew toy and swipes at it*

*the sudden movement of the toy triggers the natural cat instinct to pounce*

*pounces on the toy and proceeds to play with it*
/purrs contentedly watching

10/25/2018 07:33 PMPosted by Merliah
/purrs contentedly watching



/pushes bowl of favorite cream over to panther

/purrs contentedly

/leaps for pillow pile

(* good night all *)
10/25/2018 08:20 PMPosted by Merliah
/pushes bowl of favorite cream over to panther

/purrs contentedly

/leaps for pillow pile

(* good night all *)

*meows and purrs goodnight*
May Mylune's bunnies entertain you in your dreams :)
/ends up having a sugar rush and passing out
10/25/2018 09:18 PMPosted by Faolana
/ends up having a sugar rush and passing out

Sugar rush is good :)
/gets coffee going
/puts out extra trays of donuts (Chocolate Frosted with jimmies =)
/puts out dumplings
/checks lock on Titan's whiskey for belf fingerprints
/leaves candle in the window by the papasan chair
/adjusts pillow piles
10/26/2018 02:46 AMPosted by Merliah
/leaves candle in the window by the papasan chair

*Lady Cyndilou's face appears outside the window, smiles at the candle, and vanishes again.*
/catches a quick reflection in the window
/smiles warmly

/wanders to the kitchen to start cooking
good morning
/sets sights on level 80
10/26/2018 03:15 AMPosted by Beleran
good morning
/sets sights on level 80

ooo very nice :)

Any favorite questing zone?
10/26/2018 03:24 AMPosted by Merliah
10/26/2018 03:15 AMPosted by Beleran
good morning
/sets sights on level 80

ooo very nice :)

Any favorite questing zone?

i like dragonblight
10/26/2018 03:29 AMPosted by Beleran
i like dragonblight

yeah, that is a nice zone

Lots of dragons FTW
It's odd seeing Adelphie not like lightforged draenei. Thought that one only disliked us floppyears
how could anyone not like elfs most of all blood elves

We is cuter :)