For about 3 or 4 weeks now, can’t remember there has been a issue since I hit renown 60 where the item level for any gear I get from NPC’s, loot boxes, world quests, mission tables on my main with a item level of 202 only sees and receives item level 148. My alternate characters who are same renown as my main (66 now) see everything as item level 197-207. I asked in general and kept editing my post for about a week on this issue and not many replied.
I even contacted support and a game master logged on to my character did what they could with their limited tool selection and still didn’t fix the issue, but at least they could see I wasn’t lying. They told me they reset my character and possibly to swap covenants to fix the issue. Not really wanting to betray and destroy all the work I did to max it out months before 9.1 came along. So in essence still have the problem where my main can not see or receive most gear higher then item level 148 while my alternate characters can.
There’s a thread on this already, but it seems to be “working as intended” from as much as anyone can gather. If you exceed the level requirement for a piece, it won’t show it, but it will if you’re under the requirement.
This isn’t the same issue I believe. When my alternate character renown 66, maxed out covenant like my main looks at gear say from a world quest that has the same item level as my main it shows correctly. With my main it started out correct and went in reverse once I hit renown 60 to where it stopped at item level 148 and stays there and occasionally I get greens at item level 129 from NPCs.
It’s ok, even the game master that looked at my character was like wow this is weird. What I found weird after he did what he could and suggested to swap covenant, I had stealth permanently in that I could mount, open chests, walk around mobs and summon NPCs without them aware I was there until I /auto killed myself and it went away.
Even though it’s a different (possibly related?) problem, thanks all the same for keeping attention on the issue that iLvls are wonky and it seems to have started with the squish, and gotten worse since 9.1.
I don’t have the ability to link pictures, but I would love to show a side by side of my main and alternate characters looking at the same world quests offering gear at different item levels. Like I said, I was fine up until I hit renown 60 on my main then the gear just started downgrading every couple days until it bottomed out at item level 148 for my main while my alternate character stayed the same.
Maybe that’s so characters don’t die while a GM is behind the wheel? I’m halfway flabbergasted that they would suggest you change covenants to “see” if it might fix it. (I bet it wouldn’t have.)
Nod, why I haven’t done that. All the work I put into my covenant erased until I came back to it. However because of the changes in 9.1 my current covenant is no longer as good of a choice for that specialization. I just haven’t decided if I want to go elemental or restoration and stay in current Venthyr. Only reason I didn’t go restoration from the start is when I came back and I tried to do a dungeon at end of BFA I couldn’t even keep up with how people where chain pulling content. So instead of being a weak link I decided not to cause others a headache.
That’s the story of why I do almost always solo content. I did a little bit of raiding during MoP, lucky to find a group that put up with me, but it made me cringe being carried. Just not my strong suit.
I use to be a hardcore raider back in the day. Now I consider myself a hardcore casual. I do as much content, new and old and try to re-earn a lot of the achievements I use to have and do the content I missed when I left in 2011. As much as I would love to be in a guild, I feel like I would be a burden as I don’t get into dungeon’s much, feel like I fit in, or be able to commit to a raid schedule because my work schedule sucks.
I’ve noticed the same thing on my Main as well, not for regular quest item rewards, but World Quest rewards have been bugged for me since a few weeks after the patch (9.1) went live, like 4 weeks now (since unlocking renown 61 when wq rewards were upgraded). before the rewards were ILVL 187 or higher, after the rewards are ILVL 168 to 171. I’ve asked several times on the in game chat what everyone else is seeing, and they all say 197 - 207 depending on equipped gear.
It still the same for my main character but not my alternate characters to this day. Because the rewards are all dropping at item level 148 it affects upgrading and money when you vendor the item because it is well below your current item level. So far other then the one game master that tried to help me blizzard has not to my knowledge acknowledged the issue but at least I am not alone. And as you asked other people report that they see the correct item level with their characters.
I’m sure the 2 of us aren’t the only people having this issue, just the only 2 who aren’t scared of the forum trolls to report it. though you might reword the post subject a bit to reflect quest an world quest item level issues, just a suggestion, it would make searches easier too.
Fixed, thank you. I am hoping at the next world quest item level upgrade that maybe it fixes itself, but swapping covenant’s like the game master suggested is definitely not a option.