World Quest: Are you kitten on me? Bugged

Still broken on WRA. Server hopped and while the rock was there clicking the kittens wouldn’t count towards quest completion.

It’s the 7th handhold on Arathor.

Broken still. I was previously able to complete it, now the 3rd rock is missing. A bunch of people were hanging around unable to do it.

Edit: Proudmoore server.

Needs to be fix ASAP! The poor Kittens can’t wait!


Broken on Uldum this morning. The 3rd handhold is missing. It was working yesterday; I completed it on another character.

Still broke.

4th handhold. 7th handhold. 12th or 15th needed to get to the other half of the rock and the rest of the kittens. Depending on server/shard.

If 4th and 7th are there, can get 5/8 kittens but then 12th/15th handholds (depending on route) are missing that would allow travel to the other section. Can also spawn a Rupert’s Helping Hand but missing 1 or 2 other handholds to even get to it.

How tf is this WQ up for two WQ resets and still broke af? Small indie company lmao thanks Blizz.


i always thought they use the PTR to fix all fail issue, but I can see I am wrong

It seems going into War Mode fixes the issue for me at least.


fourth? its missing the second


Still an issue, piling up on fourth handhold

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Still bugged on Stormrage @ 220p est missing rocks somewhere.

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Bugged on Tichondrius as of 230 EST. First handhold missing.

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Still bugged on Eldre’ Thalas @ 3:22 pm EST. Still missing rocks.

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Bugged on a bunch of servers, lol. Stormrage missing 5th handhold, Echo Islands missing 7th, and Moon Guard missing literally the first. I’ve been shard-hopping using the “retaking the hold” world quest also up in Thaldraszus and so far no shard has a working set of handholds.

Edit: After I typed this comment I alt-tabbed back into the game and the handhold was present and there were half a dozen people jumping all over the place, so either I switched shards while afk or the phased handhold just… reappeared?

Also bugged on Drenden; no stone to grab onto above the 4th or 5th one. Tried relogging.

Tried this WQ yesterday and got up about 8 stones before there was no way up anymore. Husband had the same issue when he tried earlier in the day. Today the quest is WORSE. Can’t even start the first hand hold. Everyone is running around with the same problem. :confused:

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Bugged on Alexstrasza.
Can’t complete World Quest because after the 6th stone there is no other stone to grab making the the other stones to far away to reach.

broken on blackrock also. come on blizz, you’ve had enough time to fix these little problems

Bugged on Proudmoore too.

Broken for me on Kul Tiras as well (altho it doesn’t sound server specific). Can grab the 1st rock only, then out of reach.