World Quest: Are you kitten on me? Bugged

Yesterday (oceanic) there was no handhold at the bottom within reach. Today, you can go 4 rocks up, then can’t reach another handhold. Wow…seriously… :expressionless:

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This quest and also Not Mushroom For Error are both missing rocks needed to complete the climb. How is this bug still happening nearly 3 months in. THis whole rock climbing feature is useless since most the time it’s bugged.


Still bugged on Cenarius. About the 4th time trying and it’s still not creating a third handhold so you get stuck on the second grappling point. 4 months in and still not fixed, might want to QA your WQs there Blizz to make sure none of the others are borked.

Or hire based on competence and ability to do the job.

On Proudmoore I can literally only click on one rock because the next one is nowhere near the first

edit: managed to get it done in war mode

Just adding my two cents. Only the first three rocks are climbable today, then there’s no more clickable rocks. the same as it’s been broken for months now…

Was just able to complete this quest on my main and alt. Not sure what happened. Lucky shard I guess. Warmode off.

Bump cuz blizzard clearly
cheap answer needs a bump
Weekly Resets Broken for the second week - #2 by Tycherius-sargeras

Not gain rep now… how about rest you guys
Oh ;look now i have a theater troupe follower for no reason, its broken i cant do it but yet i am getting this dude