Wrathion and Sabellian are not appearing for me. Disabling all add ons did nothing. Quest seems to work fine for some other people, but not me for some reason.
same… I asked around and got the typical no response in general from the WoW crowd… assumed they’re ok.
Also bugged for me. NPCs in the area to turn in quest are also missing completely. Wrathion and Sabellian are gone, though it seems others aren’t having this issue. Tried leaving, hearthing, disabling add-ons to no avail.
Same issue here, not able to find any fix as of yet.
Same issue. No one in my 5 man group could see them.
Same. Shows up as a group quest, too.
EDIT: They just appeared for me, Stormrage.
EDIT 2: I turned in this quest and then they disaappeared again.
Same issue here.
Also bugged for my wife and I. We cannot see them in any phasing. Everyone else sees them fine.
lol same, got zero. Yeah it seems bugged
Edit: actually the NPC’s are there, you just need to go up higher
Bump. Also ran into this bug today. I can’t seem to figure out a solution.
Good lord. 18 years now, and still simple things like this are able to get through testing?
bump, bugged for me also
this is redic
I have the same issue. I don’t think any of the mobs are dropping key fragments either, or I was just very unlucky after killing 5-6 of them.
Just happened to me. Buggiest expac so far?
Same, you think it would get Bizz’s attention that many players can’t get rep for what seems to be a major part of the expansion
Same for me. Can’t progress even WQ’s in the area.
Still seeing this on multiple characters. No fix or workaround yet?
Same, also keys and key frames not dropping
Also having this bug on alt character. No Wrathion or Sabellion