World PVP is not fun

Oh yeah! Not to mention, I decided to level on an Alliance heavy, PVP server as Horde, and soon honorable kills will be a thing :slight_smile:

Ouch! That’s why I left Herod…Horde overran it. And then with layering dropping I bet Herod queues will be hours and hours long. Rather be able to log in and play. Even if that’s a night of being ganked by a bored 60 on an alt. :joy:

Two girls for every boy

Hi, speak for your own server.

Grobbulus is amazing.



Awesome! i’m so happy you are having great wpvp encounters at level 42 on Grobbulus, but unfortunately a LOT of other players are not having the same experience.

I’m not saying WPVP itself is not enjoyable. In fact, I love the IDEA of having battles out in the world. I will NEVER expect a fair square 10v10 like a BG, however, I am saying the faction imbalance makes it unenjoyable because it will go from a 1v2, to a 2v4, to a 3v8, and so on.

But what’s the point of getting a group together to kill people, have them travel across the continent just to get one kill and then disband? What if the opposing faction is camping a point of interest like Winterfall Village or Blackrock Mountain/Thorium Point? That’s not an “epic battle” that people were longing for when they separated BGs from the Honor system.

As for the rest of the replies… I’m not interested in your RP or your generalizations of how either factions act. THESE ARE PEOPLE BEHIND AVATARS, people will react to situations differently, whether they ignore you or help you. Players of both factions will do what they want when they want, I’m talking about actual organized WPvP and how it fails to meet expectations in every sense save for the rare “balanced 50/50 PVP server” which I have yet to confirm to actually exist.

World pvp can potentially be pretty fun. I never did like it when battlegrounds were introduced; just feels like a mini game separate from the actual game world. The whole controlled environment thing feels contrived and you never get an awesome memorable battle out of it. So yeah wpvp can suck at times but it has a lot more potential than bgs.

Enjoy those instant BG queues when they come out. I think some horde might be rerolling once they realize how long the queues are going to be.


Just wait til thursday when all the people going for rank 14 move their desk into their bathroom so they never had to stop playing, until its time to sleep for 6 hours and do it again.


I hate this game and i hate myself



ion should just stop this meme that’s gone too far, just admit that classic was an out of season april fools joke and cancel classic so we can go back to pet battling in the real game (bfa)


“Yea only whiny sissy cowards play on PvE servers. I’m a man, so I play PvP server all the way.”
*5 mins later*

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Balance? You’re playing the wrong game. Take your gamer fuel, e sports loving self back to retail. :joy::joy::joy:

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WPvP isn’t fun, but not because of faction balance or imbalance, but because its nothing but AoE spam. There is no thought, no strategy, just, spam AoE until you win, preferably with a Free Action Potion consumed just before.

BGs can’t come soon enough.


reeeee don’t PVP me unless it’s on my teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrmms!!!

Phase 2 is going to be a big ole bore for people that don’t engage in or care about wpvp. We’ll just have to wait it out to get to the desired BG pvp.

I don’t think there’s that many people that love wpvp but for those that do phase 2 is going to be for them.

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BGs are for people who can’t adapt and need the same exact opposition in the same exact controlled setting every time. These people also look up guides to tell them how to play.

You should have rolled PvE and not listened to your streamer overlord. Re-roll PvE or develope a coping mechanism.

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So, like every other video game? Do you hold the same opinion of Overwatch? League of Legends? Starcraft? (etc etc etc). Basically every single competitive game falls under what you just described.

WPvP lacks strategy and any sense of structure, its literally “spam AoE until they all die”, zero thought, zero strategy, mindlessly charge and AoE spam and has no real determining factor beyond “Do we have more people? Yes? We win! Yay!”


So ive leveled pretty high on both alliance and horde and can say in my experience horde community has been much better. Many times on my alliance character when dealing with others i think to myself “what a jerk”.