World PvP is dead

Can’t knock people old flying with new flying, and
People abusing follower que instant pop to phase out of world.

Cool game.

If you can’t handle world pvp turn off warmode.

Rip WoW


You have a net for that.

This has always been a thing sadly and as long as sharding is a thing its always possible. Not defending it just can’t do anything about it.

The net is 100 yards. If they’re all the way up in the sky, you can’t get them. You can "technically " get someone who’s up high by switching to steady flight and fall casting it next to them, but anyone bright enough will start flying off the moment they see you switching flight styles.

We shouldn’t need to do this.


Any Horde I run into while solo in the world runs away from me constantly but soon as they get one or two extra Horde in the area suddenly they become the most aggressive player in the world.


Happens on both sides, nothing is faction exclusive.

My personal favorite is someone opening in wpvp and taking a queue before they die and come back in a couple seconds and try again, four or five times getting dropped low enough they probably died on the other side and finally their offensives line up with your defensives being on cd and you die and a flag gets planted in you lol


If you flag plant you’re embarrassingly telling everyone how sad you are.

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If you did little to no work or abused a system and happen to BE there when someone dies or you run into a 1v1 and finish off someone from half health with full CDs and you flag them, then yeah that’s pretty sad.

If someone keeps coming after me when I’ve killed them twice in a fair fight then they are getting every flag in my collection.

Flags have their place.

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/shrug, I don’t start fights and literally only been flagged by level 80’s roaming for easy kills while im leveling (I’ve got a level 70+ several 80s on both factions of every class). the behavior is a symptom of a mindset that begets wanting easy fights to “gloat” about. the illusion of success is what this game is about so it makes sense some would take it to the logical extreme. that doesn’t mean the behavior isn’t sad, there’s a large gulf between “I can do this” and “I want to do this.”

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Sad is playing the same game and thinking you’re somehow better because you’re not able to find joy in planting a flag.

But its moreso most likely due to the fact that you are on the receiving end of said flag planting.


sure, totally, that’s absolutely it, nailed it, etc…



Don’t worry bout him, he never came out of cities to wpvp anyway lol

Yeah, I’ve never fought you in Orgrimmar.

Which I think is the only place I ever saw you without a 40 man.

Come to think of it, org is the only place I ever saw you…

Thats rich coming from the dude I never see in War Mode :sob:

I don’t know much about Lluagor but atleast I see him out in War Mode.


I just wish we could whisper people quickly to make fun of them for taking dungeon Qs


Yesterday I had 4 mages, Ice Block just to come out of it and in to a dungeon queue…

Its exploited so much its not even funny.

You don’t have to say anything. They’re the ones that must live with the shame.


They need to disable that, shouldnt be able to take any que when actively engaged in combat.

For what follower dungeons are I think it is perfectly reasonable to only allow queuing for them from major cities.

Want to do follower dungeons? Cool, set up in SW / Org and queue your heart out.

This at least limits the amount of damage someone can do by abusing this system - the most I can think of for this change would be someone to queue for a dungeon and take a portal from the portal room, they’d have 30 seconds before the invite expires. In theory this would solve the open world issue, caverns of time would still be a hot mess just with a shorter frequency lol


A lot of folks in warmode seem to bank/prefer engagements that they actually have to do as little as possible to win and will tap out/follower dungeon as soon as they might be in a position to lose.

While I am not great, it’s also strange when you beat people they rage whisper you about your arena rating (Which is 0, since I really don’t do/enjoy them) or some other random insult. But if they kill you outnumbering its flags, it’s emotes, it’s like they accomplished something.

It’s weird how proud/desperate some are to beat other players even if it’s in scenarios when anyone who enjoys challenges would be like “move on bro.”

At least the game is entertaining sometimes :slight_smile: