World PvP is dead

This is best explained by the following:

WoW wpvp would make an amazing case study for the mental health field, I’d watch the hell out of that documentary.

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Irony is many who do wpvp, enjoy a challenge. Many times I have been part of raids outnumbered significantly, yet we pull off a major victory. Teamwork and skill almost always prevail in the open world.

Yeah it has magnitudes better than what it is today. I think the hearthstone board bug and the follower queue brought out a LOT of unsavory characters “fer the lulz” to just troll relentlessly.

At the same time I feel like I should say that we had a LOT of fun knocking abusers out of the hearthstone boards in open world when that was rampant lol

And I’m sure there were other bugs or system abuse in the past that weren’t as well known or used, these are just the two massive abuses I can think of in recent time.

Also those dang frogs, thanks Rextroy lmao

It’s not really irony lol. There are folks who do and those who don’t like to win cool fights that they perhaps should have lost.

But Nico’s quote pretty much nailed it :slight_smile:

That’s a good idea. I mean it’s not like normal users are out in the world farming or what not with the queues being instant.

You should be only able to take Rated PVP Qs and Summons any other Q shouldnt work


I wouldn’t turn it on except I need it for gear catch up on alts. After all “world PvP” is just another way of saying you need an unfair advantage to beat someone

I think it’s sillier that alliance have free rein on crates.

Do something about it.

I would say just remove war mode and world pvp altogether permanently.

Or remove war mode bonus, so players who are not interested in world pvp don’t have to choose between bonus and dealing with annoying world pvp fight.

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The bonus isnt enough to matter. Also, I leveled in war mode on two different characters, horde on an alliance dominated server group… and never got attacked by anyone unless I went for a crate…

So iunno man. Either im just living a blessed existence in war mode, or yall have never actually turned it on and just think its still Vanilla Stranglethorn out there or something.

Little blessed, but the other folks are def making it out to seem far, far, worse than it is. Like I just told ya last night. This full honor geared rogue decided to gank my poor 75 a few times while skinning.

Grabbed the ret paladin, hammered his face a few times, and never saw him again.

If anything need more carrots in War Mode to bring folks out. Greater rewards, even for leveling.

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I love wpvp. Just can’t stand being a free kill to hunters and mages.

If anything people are abusing the insta q to gank others and then phase out

I been slaughtering alliance on my rogue in tanaris , every time I kill someone I phase out to reset the guards .

It’s a lot of fun

it is dead. most people do not want on recently. that bothers people. see. they want to go normal rules. not pvp here. it is risky. i rather not. they outnumber people to cheat. so no.

Personally, I have good experiences regularly. A bunch of people got together to kill some bounties on my shard earlier, and in turn we got our own bounties and people hunted us. Seems to be reasonably active.

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Earlier today there was a Horde druid teasing people just outside Dornogal by being in stealth while bountied. I didn’t even know you could do that with a bounty.

keep mining them sodium deposits, brother.


You have the worst mog I’ve ever seen.

Yeah. If I see a rogue or druid has a bounty I usually just don’t bother.