Can you make it so Blood of the Enemy doesn’t require a PVP island? I think you’d find many players don’t feel that requirement is in line compared to winning a random BG. Or better yet just not tie further ranks to requiring rank 1.
You’re right. I’d much rather they not tie higher ranks to requiring rank 1 first. Kinda like they said originally that essences wouldn’t need to be acquired in order.
I’ll have brawler achiev by tomorrow but still no island so not so much. Last week was BG bonus event.
To each their own, I’m not trying to argue the difficulty of getting a PVP island done, although that is a premade and players do set wild expectations for it – moreoever I’d like them to either admit that essences are intended to be acquired in order, in contrast to what they originally said about essences, or to make their original statements ring true by eliminating needs to have rank 1s first.
It’s a simple opportunity for them to show credibility and communication, all in one statement.
As much as I hated having to do a PvP island to get rank 1, it’s not really a big deal. Just queue a few times after posting a group finder entitled “get your essence” or something and you’ll eventually get people high ilvl enough to complete it.
99% of PvP islands are just a PvE race in which you never see the opposing players.
This post makes it sound like it’s actually possible to complete the requirement for looting fight club chest??? What??? How and what is fight club in mechagon?
Also, for those of us who completed everything except fight club what does this mean?
I don’t think Fight Club can happen yet in Mechagon, or at least I’ve never seen it. I believe Fight Club only becomes implemented when the next PvP season starts.
But if it’s anything like the other FFA chests, I can see why they’re taking it out. The other requirements just involve doing PvP and getting it naturally over time working with your faction. The FFA chest means you’ll be fighting everyone on your own faction as well to try and open a chest.
I got the chest the super easy way. I wasn’t in war mode when I entered the cave, which was empty. I simply opened the chest and left. I did get a 5min pvp debuff though which I totally expected.