World PVP destroyed by Faction imbalance

I realize this might be a tired/replayed post… but the fact of the matter is: If you play horde, World pvp is Garbage, objectively unplayable. Alliance outnumber us 10 to 1 most times, not even an exaggeration. I don’t know how we fix this… perhaps give alliance members a chance to swap factions when the zone balance is in their favor? whatever it is, this is the REAL BIGGEST PROBLEM in the game right now. actually unplayable for horde. Or maybe give the horde the next best racial so they can all swap back to our side.


My community loves being the underdog. We slaughter alliance daily.


There are some Horde communities that are going around and farming crates, but I do agree that the faction imbalance is still a problem. Realistically, we shouldn’t need to form massive raid groups to get crates, but it is what it is.

Just wait until they balance the racials and nerf a few of the outliers (if ever). Patch 11.0.7 is buffing a few, but we won’t get full on balance until 11.1 (supposedly).


It’s a Horde centric issue, tell your fellow Horde players to stop hiding in Dornogal AFK.


Blizzard could at least do a little more phasing to help reduce the impact of faction imbalances.


No. It’s purely a shadowmeld issue.


Shadowmeld doesn’t itself turn the tide of an entire fight, besides y’all got a bunch of Alliance switchers because of Vulpera.


good to know

Not quite, friend! Plenty of humans, all dwarf races, dracthyr and even gnomes out and about.

It’s pretty much just people like my own plus pandaren and maybe Kul Tiran that you’ll rarely see.


idk man. Overwhelmingly, evidence points to purple people problems.
They make up about a third of all players in any rated pvp bracket. I don’t see why that wouldn’t be reflected at least partially in wpvp. And based on my own experience getting swarmed by about twenty night elves at every single crate for the previous two years (only slightly hyperbolic), I’m gonna have to stand firm on my assertion that shadowmeld is primarily responsible for terrible faction balance.


Sure, but not as much as there are Night Elves. People have been making the change to Night Elf since Shadowlands.

Doesn’t need gutted, just needs nerfed.

I believe it. I have seen the stats that say there’s more night elves above 1800 than all other races combined. However, the dwarf races and to a lesser extent humans are also very popular.

I do not disagree. Throughout Dragonflight, the most common names I saw at every quest, almost every day, were three different night elf resto druids (barring yourself of course).

Still, world pvp is a little different. You’ve got freaks like me, a large red refrigerator with no unique racial to bring to the table, but just a lot of enthusiasm and experience. It’s what I love about world pvp…anything goes!


The nelves aren’t even that present in world.

Horde just doesn’t try anymore.


I tend to play Alliance. I turned off war mode after DF 3rd season because it was too Alliance heavy. I’d fly around and collect crates all day, almost never a fight, except for the hunter guards on the bot ball farmers. I don’t see the bot ball farmers much any more, don’t much war mode in new zones now.

I don’t think this is a racial ability issue. If Blizz deleted Shadowmeld, it would not change much of anything w/ re: to WPvP balance my gut tells me. I think these are deeper, larger, and more fundamental changes in the playerbase. Maybe I’m wrong, we’ll prolly see one way or another.

idk what the fix is, hopefully Blizz can figure something out.

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Maybe give Horde “Against Overwhelming Odds” for War Within. You know to make up for BfA n all that.

Yea BfA and Against Overwhelming Odds for only the alliance happened. Horde didn’t have a reason to turn on wm and in fact had a reason to leave it off while alliance got a big incentive to turn it on. Then when Against Overwhelming Odds went away, Horde just never really turned wm back on. There’s also the fact that servers sucked and giant raid vs raid fights turned into lagfests. Blizz also went to great lengths to remove methods to kill big chunks of players very fast. I still remember that BrM that oneshot a raid in WPvP with Hot Trub.


Yah, now that you mention it Yangxiaolóng, Against Overwhelming Odds did happen a lot for Alliance. Which was very weird, because the actual number of fighting Horde were very little.

I think I know why…

I am pretty certain that the Against Overwhelming Odds happens when the numbers look uneven to the server. So when it appears there are more Horde, the Alliance gets that.

Here’s the thing, there were a ton of Horde. I’d see them all the time. There were more Horde than Alliance, in fact. The problem is 95% of the ones I saw were automated/bot ball farming. No lie. I’d send the names-Servers into, sometimes 6, seven groups of 8+ a day. These bot farmers were not interested in WPvP, though.

From the server’s prespective it looked like there were more Horde…and there were, so the Alliance gets the buff.

I still see bot farmers, mostly up on Dorn in non warmode. These are skyriding gatherers. It’s all Horde as well. idk why this is, but it is what I have seen for years now. I’ve been meaning to glide through on war mode. But, I just end up collecting stuff and Q’in for stuff. Maybe soon I’ll give war mode another look and see what I see.

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I do love how instantly recognizable your little tomato head is. Every once in a while I’ll be flying around or in a BG and tab over, see your portrait, and attack of the killer tomatoes starts playing in my mind.

Also, tangentially related but not really intended as an argument, but man I’ve been grinding out all the quests to kill specific races in ashran from the garrison this expansion.
Gnome was pretty slow. Night elf literally took like 2 days. Dwarf is looking like it’s going to take me a couple months (400/500 atm). I wish dark iron and earthen counted T_T
Panda is going to be the ultimate suffering.


Ahh I remember when horde was the preferred PvP faction. How things change.


There’s plenty of horde in war mode, they just don’t fight are farming or whatever.


Funny you should say that, because a fellow ret decided to follow me around in a Blitz game. He kept referring to me as Beetlejuice because he thought my head was too small (it’s the armor).

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